Craziest thing I’ve ever heard lol

I reviewed spinner Christy a few weeks ago, I just came across her add tonight and she has a friend, bigger girl and advertised as such but I texted her because I liked the looks of the big boobs and she’s 25. I said hey are you available tonight and she texted back within 5 seconds “yes” along with donations and times, I was like wow this is nice! Then I texted my standard follow up question, do you do bbbj and cim, she immediately replied “no” I texted back cbj only? Then she says “yes for 50 extra”. Now I’m confused, I’m like does she mean bbbj is extra? I mean surely she doesn’t mean cbj is extr, I mean obviously not. Well I’ll save you the suspense, yes, yes it meant cbj was extra lol. I said uh I’ve never heard of that, thanks but no thanks have a good night. I know things have gotten a little pricey but that’s crazy right lol, or is it just me?
nobody_home's Avatar
if it took me 3 different texts to finally get down to BUSINESS, I'd be exhausted.
Nickel & diming extras? Jacking up rates? yeah...across the board, every where.

The bigger issue is that we're all losing sight of what basic human interaction is supposed to be, so all these encounters are a grab bag of expectations. Most people these days just don't know how to properly act in a one on one situation. The male-female behavior or roles is all whacked out. Women must think that we should be ecstatic they showed up the same day as agreed upon. I could bitch about whores/escorts, but frankly its no different with any other service industry. People just don't care. You're going to pay them or you won't and if you won't they are never going to self-reflect to take responsibility for how others treat them, sooooo.....
BulldogCountry's Avatar
Does her big titty friend do encounters?
I Then I texted my standard follow up question, do you do bbbj and cim, she immediately replied “no” I texted back cbj only? Then she says “yes for 50 extra”. Now I’m confused, I’m like does she mean bbbj is extra? I mean surely she doesn’t mean cbj is extr, I mean obviously not. Well I’ll save you the suspense, yes, yes it meant cbj was extra lol. I said uh I’ve never heard of that, thanks but no thanks have a good night. I know things have gotten a little pricey but that’s crazy right lol, or is it just me? Originally Posted by Bigfish78

WHAT? It's reaching a new level of insanity! An EXTRA $50 for a CBJ!! They must be making this stuff up as they go. My preference has been and always will be BBBJ CIM. I won't see anyone who won't at least provide BBBJ. I've never had a CBJ. Never had one and hopefully I never will have to.
Does her big titty friend do encounters? Originally Posted by BulldogCountry
Yeah that’s who I was talking about, she responded really quickly, I mean like within 5 seconds, she’s the one that said cbj was additional, which really blew my mind, I mean what does she think happens during an encounter if that’s extra lol