Encounter: Up the Down Staircase

clean cut's Avatar
User ID: -
Date: Early March
Name: cici
Phone: (210) 437-3066
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website: n/a
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Thousand Oaks near the barber shop
Activities: FBSM L1
Hair Length and Color: Medium length black colored
Age: 60+
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: cici is a much older woman than she looks at 60+. She always wears a cocktail type dress. Lately she has went with a new hair style trying to keep that youthful look. She is not bad to look at, has nice legs, and a pleasing attitude. C cup boobies that have no problem coming out. Easy to close your eyes and dream.
Recommendation: Yes
golfnwine's Avatar
Fees for Cici?
Is L2 available?
nobody_home's Avatar
Cringe at these try hard poetic encounter titles
naughty4u1976's Avatar

She's older but still
an attractive well
put together 60+
Chinese GILF.

Her hours of operation
weren't consistent
and it seemed that
every time I swung by
she was closed, so
I stopped trying to

Glad to hear she's
still around.

Nice review.