
Has anyone ever made a date with provider on that???? Gee I wish that site
die on the vine &go away!!!
I added that domain to my adblocker.. but the popup still happens... no ads come through tho
nookiebandit's Avatar
NoScript extension helps me.
I do need to disable it to send PMs though.
Its funny how ads are banned on here yet there is an ad that pops up everytime you make a move on here now.
That One's Avatar
I have never made a date off of that site. It is tempting! It is easier to browse than other sites. I believe it downloads from other places and reorganizes the information to be easy browsing. Some ads could have legit real people. I doubt ladies are making their own ads there. But maybe.

I think this Hot site has a guy named Tony that will call your phone and threaten you with cartel photos of bloody corpses. It is either this one or adultsearch site. I get the calls after browsing those two sites. He even researched family members. It was a Florida number last time.

Any ideas about this guy? Is he just extorting money from people who browse the site? I never paid and my family members have not been contacted to my knowledge.