Any old timers remember "Models Suite for Gentlemen"?

There's a bit of a story here. Years ago when my parents were getting divorced I saw a piece of paper with "Models Suite for Gentlemen" followed by a phone number written in an unknown female's handwriting. I was always curious what this was. A couple years later when the web rolled around I looked up the website and it was described as a place where you go in a room and pick a girl to "model" for you.

I'm not naive and assumed that "modeling" consisted of the horizontal hokey pokey. Does anyone remember this place and any info on what it was like? I sure as hell wasn't going to ask dad at the time, and I won't be now.
CG2014's Avatar
There was a place in a trailer home under the 35 and 635 interchange, I can't remember the name anymore.

You did pick the girl and go into a room but that's all you get for your money.

You watch her model at different level of nudity depending on how much you pay and you jack off.

For the life of me I can't remember the name anymore. I think their website or signage was purple.
Interesting. If thats it then it sounds appropriately seedy. Im surprised they didn't offer sex though maybe that was just an "extra"
written in an unknown female's handwriting. Originally Posted by uncle_yugo
No offense, but it could have been your mom's looking to call for employment due to the impending divorce.
CG2014's Avatar


that's cold blooded, dude!

but back to the place that the OP UncleYugo was asking about.

I still can't remember the name of it but I do remember the members on here called it a

Jack Shack
Well played! I'll give you that.
CG2014's Avatar
There was a place in a trailer home under the 35 and 635 interchange, I can't remember the name anymore.

You did pick the girl and go into a room but that's all you get for your money.

You watch her model at different level of nudity depending on how much you pay and you jack off.

For the life of me I can't remember the name anymore. I think their website or signage was purple. Originally Posted by CG2014

I found the name of it

Venus Room
Doug4343's Avatar
For old guys like me, it seemed many large towns had these types of places or jack shacks. They always include some nice lotion and tissues as well
seventonine's Avatar
For old guys like me, it seemed many large towns had these types of places or jack shacks. They always include some nice lotion and tissues as well Originally Posted by Doug4343
There was a place similar to this in Richardson just off Sherman St near TI. I believe a lady named “Payton” ran it. I had a very memorable 2-girl “show” there late one night on the way home from the airport. With the right one(s), there was more than “Jack” to be had. I think I found out about it via ASPD.
It was called southerncomfort and later it was also called southerncomfort2005…. Good old days and memories… you get to see a line up and pick and choose who do you want. Ahhh those golden days are gone… damnn covid
phmzee's Avatar
There was a place similar to this in Richardson just off Sherman St near TI. I believe a lady named “Payton” ran it. I had a very memorable 2-girl “show” there late one night on the way home from the airport. With the right one(s), there was more than “Jack” to be had. I think I found out about it via ASPD. Originally Posted by seventonine
NVA Art was down there also. Advertised as a Art studio. They did have a room with "art" for sale to show the cops.
Before that they would hide behind a "tanning saloon" after you "session" you could tan for 30 min if you wanted. They could also show the cops the tanning beds. That same time frame you had all the places in Frisco. Aprils, 121 tub club, Doll house. Then in Dallas they had many places for line up. But due to city ordinance they could not have beds so they would place bedding on a thick piece of padding on the floor. Dallas observer classified ad's was your go for knowledge.
Seems there was a place at Walnut Hill/HH called Silk and Satin the was similar to Venus just down the road I believe.....
levitraman's Avatar
been there , had to DIY while she hovered over me with her tits hanging out,
Models suite was on Floyd Circle in Richardson. People knew what was going on there.
Jazzplayer's Avatar
Oh yes… Silk and Satin… remember it