Encounter: Steer clear Delila

kool_poppa's Avatar
Date: 3/26/25
Name: Delila of Dallas (delila Reign)
User ID:: DelilaofDallas
Phone: 972-853-1076
Email Address: mjuicy74@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://tryst.link/escort/delilareign
City: Irving
State: Texas
Address: Esthers & 114
Activities: none
Hair Length and Color: na
Age: na
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Black/African
Physical Description: Reed ROS
Recommendation: No
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Wow be safe and well she looks gross
Be safe, always brother.
There were very scary comments about her health status on her LC review posts back in the day.
I won't repeat them here for obvious reasons but tread carefully.
bigdog99's Avatar
She is a little BSC. I had to block her on text because she would go days without responding then when she did respond and I didn't do the same within 30 minutes she started showing some crazy. I was like...bitch, I'm working. It's the middle of the damn work day. Responding to you in the middle of a work day after not hearing from you for 3 days does not fly.

She called me a time waster and some other shit. I didn't finishing reading her novel, just blocked her.
Damn glad she never responded when i txt the other day. I clearly dodged a bullet
My dude. How many red flags need to slap you in the face before you hit that eject button??!!
kool_poppa's Avatar
My dude. How many red flags need to slap you in the face before you hit that eject button??!! Originally Posted by nochoco5724
Bro, I was balls deep in that ass mentally based on her posts alone and then the pics she sent. Still trying to find a go-to greek provider. I miss Secret Baby from back in the day...
Bro, I was balls deep in that ass mentally based on her posts alone and then the pics she sent. Still trying to find a go-to greek provider. I miss Secret Baby from back in the day... Originally Posted by kool_poppa
Saw her maybe 18 months ago...had a great time, review is up of that one.