Old but good video

  • Laz
  • 10-06-2011, 05:11 PM
Very worthwhile watching (again) .....only 2 minutes long.
Great watching, especially since he's talking to the original liberal, Phil Donahue.

Click here: A 31 year old video clip ABSOLUTELY worth your time - dauckster's posterous
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nothing short of brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
thanks for posting..........I would like to see the entire interview.......amazing that the left keeps trotting out the same refran decade after decade.......
Amazing and all true.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
such BS! keep drinking the Koolaid. the rich own u suckas.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, AF, that is true now, but wouldn't be if we had listened to Friedman.
such BS! keep drinking the Koolaid the rich own u suckas. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
You're missing the point. He says there is no way to outlaw greed. He's right. No matter where you go. No matter who is in power. No matter what the system of government is. There will ALWAYS be those on top and those on bottom. The bell curve is everywhere.

I do think there needs to be curbs on runaway capitalism supported by corrupt banking and other industry, special interest laws. But that is a matter of criminality not morality and human nature. The laws that allowed the current financial meltdown are criminal and need to be changed to help level the playing field.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Af-Freakin always misses the point, unless the point is to point at himself. And let's not miss another point, what a loser hypocrite Phil Donahue is, with an estimated net worth of 23 Million dollars. All of which he made in a free-market Capitalist Economy. Hmmm.
