Kelly TNT's Avatar
Do you find any odd things SEXY?

I was having dinner with a friend over the weekend and he kept staring at the bartender across the restaurant. Finally I said, "Go ask her out". He started blushing... So, I really started to give him hell about it. Then he tells me.....
"For some reason, I find Women with an overbite incredibly sexy!"

So, I started thinking about things that I think are sexy....that other people may or may not think is odd. I could only think of two things that might be...?
I love a mans hair line on the back of the neck. Doesn't matter if they have long or short hair. It's just sexy as hell to me. The other one is (and not on every man) Earlobes. Hahahaaa.. I think they can be very sexy. Makes me wanna nibble on them a little bit.

What do you find ODDLY ATTRACTIVE about someone?

~Kelly TNT
short hair and glasses on women...
  • Zorro
  • 10-19-2009, 11:23 AM
I would have to say the corporate chick. 30ish, confident, intelligent, short hair, meticulous make up, glasses. Wow!!!
Big Eyes.
StarsFanTx's Avatar
Maybe it's the Aggie in me, but a girl in overalls gets me going.
caliente's Avatar
mini skirt wiyh no undis......mmmmmmmmmmm or nice pants c a thong
BangOver's Avatar
Oddly - I like really good teeth.
Big grin - lots of pearly whites.

I have a few of these:

redhair w/freckles

crazy hair- really curly, really long, really short, crazy colors, etc. Anything out of the ordinary

basically I like things that make a woman unique.
I don't know that I have any one particular thing that comes to mind besides personality or sense of humor.

Physical things just depend on the person, I suppose...sometimes it's the eyes, or the smile.

Oh yes, pirates, the pirates!
A big brain. When he starts talking physics or Unix, my knees get rubbery and I find it very hard to stay focused. I have a huge, nerdy crush on Michio Kaku.
Hey Dharma, did you know that an object at rest, tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force?

Also, an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force?


that do anything for ya?
  • OFF
  • 10-20-2009, 06:03 PM
I always like good pics ... hmmm ...

but I also like tasteful bralessness ... that allows you to see the ladies nipples slightly protruding. I have a hard time keeping my jaw up and not staring.

OFF :-)
1thatgotaway's Avatar

nothing odd about thinking every inch of Kelly is Smokin HOT

Hey Dharma, did you know that an object at rest, tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force?
Also, an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force?
that do anything for ya?
Hmmm, more like particle physics with collisions and all that energy being released and but I like where you're going with this.
Hmmm, more like particle physics with collisions and all that energy being released and but I like where you're going with this. Originally Posted by Dharma
Then what if I whisper, ever so softly in your ear, "neutrino", and "quark", and "muons", and then top it off with "CERN"...