I have a PA credit Q

I have PA credit until the last week in November. If I wrote another review in November and say it got approved for PA credit on 11/11 for the sake or argument. Does the 6 weeks of PA start on 11/11 or from when the PA access I earned on 18 October ends.

I apologize if this question has been asked and answered, just wanted to know. In the midsts of scheduling a 3-some and am considering writing a review. The answer I get from this Q will determine when I post it (assuming I write it).

-- SFC
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

PA Credit is cumulative, so you can post a review any time and it will extend your PA for 6 weeks past the current end date. So, whether you post it today or on 11/11, the new end date will be 6 weeks from the last week in November. If you write two reviews, that means the new end date will be 12 weeks from the end of November.

Great. The double will be with rosy and Leah (Rosy is local, of course) and Leah is from Oklahoma ("picturethis" and "miss_leah", respectfully). Leah still working on her tour schedule. I'm thinking putting 'nursing' somewhere in the title (look at both their showcases to see why). The date hasn't happened yet, but it will when she's on tour.