OMG the provider phone.. As a provider that's been mmm should we say in the business awhile. I know how important it is to answer the "provider phone" as much as possible. But I also have had some interesting things happen with my provider phone..

Like getting a call from a not so happy girlfriend, wife, or your all time favorite that found my number in your phone. How I have handled this is I leave a guys voice on my voice mail.. Yes I run the risk of losing an appointment but maybe its one I didn't need to have anyway.

Another big question is why don't I answer it all the time? I would love to and hey if the economy was better I would hire a girl to do this.. God I miss PC for this reason. But us providers can not be in two places at one time (if you know what I mean). I always try to answer in between a certain time that way you know you can always talk to me in between such and such. (This is not an advertising blog ) LOL..

So I also hear "why don't they give a call back she is rude".. Well guys some of us don't get your message until 2 hours later... Mmmm Do you really want a call back? MAybe not so much.
Now we are in the age of texting ...Yeah this can get you in some major trouble.. Heck that's why I am still single because the wrong text at the wrong time can really raise some questions and if you forget to erase a text your hobby days are over .. LOL

So I want to hear any close calls that you may have had?
What do you hate about the provider phone?
And how do you think "US" as providers should handle our calls?

Rebecca of Dallas.
I have caught my SO going through my phone twice. Both times I had been a good boy and deleted all non-SO type shit. However if she ever goes through my contact list she might find I know alot of girls named Johnson.

Although in a way that almost shows guilt that I have no emails no texts and no phone calls every time she get near my phone.
TeutonicRacerX's Avatar
However if she ever goes through my contact list she might find I know alot of girls named Johnson. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Choose a social club, former employer, or alumni organization and file every hobby contact under that selected category then modify or mask the lady's name (when possible) to look or sound male yet close enough to the original you can remember who the hell it is.

If the wife goes dialing your contacts it's time to go younger at the wife position.
caliente's Avatar
I have a crazy firend last name Daniel, so all the providers in my directory are last name Daniel... Nicole P. Daniel ... etc It works great
You guys are so strategic.. that's why the hobby continues on : )
aRandyOne's Avatar
I have two providers entered in as "Unknown Caller" and "Anonymous". When I get a call around the SO, I just let it display "Unknown Caller" and tell the SO, "I'm not going to waste my minutes on what might be a wrong number. The I go to the restroom and check my voice mail. So far, she hasn't checked my contact list. I intentionally got the most complicated phone I could find because she's tech challenged.
yardape's Avatar
If I call a provider and she doesn't answer, I leave a call-back message + number, move on to other things. The only disappointments are the ones who lack the courtesy to return the call. Trust me: #1) It's OK to call or I wouldn't have left the number; #2) I'm busy, too, and I won't waste my time calling you again; #3) Don't bother contacting me by some lame, belated text or PM. I used the phone in the first place cuz I wished to talk w/ you in person, about private business, as adults are still capable of doing even in 2009.
Bob Soldios's Avatar
As a note of how to obfuscate the phone situation a little more, while also getting some great benefits, more people should check out google voice ( ) It's a service where you get a phone number, that then links to another number, or multiple numbers.

For instance I have a google voice number that when called ring my cel, my work cel, my work phone, and my home phone all at the same time. Whichever I pick up on first I take the call on.

Also, you can tell it to put someone to voicemail, but listen in with then option of picking up (ala an answering machine). When someone calls and you pick up you get a menu with options on how to handle the call.

You can set up contact lists so that anbody on a certain contact list is given a certain voicemail message. Family calls? Family message. Returning customer calls? Customer message. Unknown caller? Generic message (with an option to dump and not record a message, I think it can even play a fake "this number has been disconnected.." message)

It's really great, and free. Oh yeah, you also get to "pick and choose" for your phone number in a number of available area codes nationwide. I was able to hunt around and get the mine to spell out a word. heh
gman44's Avatar
all the guys with girlfriends or who are married should delete the providers number as soon at the phone conversation is over
I just use my bat phone
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
You guys are so strategic.. that's why the hobby continues on : ) Originally Posted by Rebeccaofdallas
Hmmmm... Let's see... I've been in the hobby for six years; I've been chasing YOUR (Rebecca's) shapely buttocks for six years; I've known you're one of the true individualists of the hobby for six years. Not much stategy involved. LOL

Gotta love your attitude!

Bestman200600's Avatar
My SO found a message from my ATF and i was shot down in flames. Oh well, change is good but damn expensive.