A recent study has shown that most people are indeed TOO stupid to live. Scientists report that an amazing number of brain dead children and adults wander around aimlessly, ending up at occupy wall street protests and Obama cabinet meetings." It has become almost impossible to identify the living from the dead" said a government scientist on condition of anonymity. The only way to be absolutely sure if you are dealing with one of the brainless dead, is to look on their car for an Obama Biden sticker. Other tell tale signs are voting democrat, and writing posts on Craigslist supporting illegal aliens and blaming republicans for EVERYTHING.
Originally Posted by Anita Lay
Anita, it comes to mind that MS is on top of the list with most UN-educated people.
So I really cannot blame you that you are one of them.
Don't be afraid that I would ever want to visit you as a provider, I'd rather have them with some brains.