Don't we have a right to change our minds?

cheatercheater's Avatar
Men are creatures of habit. We go to the same barber because we get the cut we want. We go back to the same girl because we get what we like. When we want change, we go see a different provider.
shooter6.5's Avatar
Changing the massage is one thing, but if you do not provide the same level of relaxation as before then guys do not like going backwards unless you have told them prior to the meeting which allows them the option of declining the meeting.

Men and women think differently on many things--especially levels of satisfaction. It's your call, but think about it first. If you have a good regular that you can discuss this with then do it. That is your best bet!!
CoHorn's Avatar
... Lately, I've toned down some of my massages, and some of my former clients don't like that...
DeeDee Originally Posted by deedee72
Honestly not trying to be rude but...

Did you tone down your rates too? Like it was said earlier in the thread, we don't like to go backwards. If we are paying for a certain level of service and receive that service and then on the next visit we receive less... Wouldn't you be upset too?

All that being said; only do what you are comfortable doing and charge the rates that make you happy. BTW, I think you have very fair rates. I'm just commenting on your question.
A case of blue balls will make any man not happy. I applaud your and everyone else's right to do what you are comfortable with, but remember as shooter said don't go backwards.
CassidyBlue's Avatar
Offer only the level of service you are most comfortable with and adjust your rates and your ads to reflect the service you are willing to offer. If you have in the past said you do X for Y, just change your business model and clearly state that you now only offer Z for Y. On any repeat requests from before, be sure to state your new practices or direct them to your revised ad that states such.

Men are creatures of habit and expect consistency. I've found that most men in this hobby are true gentlemen and whatever you offer, as long as you are up front about it, they will expect only those services.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Not all hobbyists are the same. Some guys, when the hobbyists shows up, the provider should say no thanks and have a nice day, otherwise they will get burned. If you don't feel comfortable about having a session with someone don't.