To the asian jerk who ripped me off...

You know who you are. I don't appreciate the 7$ you left me for the hour we spent together. I've alerted all the ladies about you... Told them everything, from the discussion we had to the scar on your chest. I'm in the process of gathering more and more info on you. I will give you a week to contact me and bring me the 273$ you owe me. And the mysterious pizza guy at the door act... Was that a buddy you had come over?? If I had answered the door I wonder what would of happened! Scary thought. YOU EVEN tried to go BB. With a complete stranger... Disgusting... Have some dignity dude.

you are the reason us girls have to make everything so business like upon 1st meetings. I bet you went home feeling good, just got to spend a great time with a beautiful girl for 7$. You really had me fooled with your kind words.

Unless you make this right I promise you will have a hard time meeting any of the girls on eccie or p411. You will be stuck with CL girls, in which you said you hate... Maybe one of their pimps will teach you a lesson if you try this on them.

Thanks Jason (or james or whatever your fake name today is) for reminding me why it's best to check envelopes upon arrival
LadiesFan's Avatar
Man, that is jacked-up!

Why do people use envelopes anyway? seriously, does anyone know? I just lay out cash in a visible area, or sometimes hand the cash to the lady.

I hate hearing about people within the hobby screwing each other over.. whether it is a hobbyist pulling shit like this, or a provider not following through on a pre-pay deal.. it is all just messed up.

I hope he shows some dignity like you suggested and gets you the rest of your money.

thiswrench's Avatar
Sorry Marley, it's guys like that, that make us all look bad! There are still lots of good guys out there, hopefully this one will make it right for you?
ibechill's Avatar
No more Asian clients?
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks.

I dunno what would help, but I am wondering - have any of you ladies ever considered having one of these sorts of things on hand:

It might not detect all fakes,'ll at least assist in the counting in that the money will have to be presented for scanning.

Not romantic, but..well, it is a business. It's your business, and y'all need to run it how you see fit.

Good luck to all, and be careful.

Oh, and one more thing - this fellow stole a decent amount of money from you. He's a thief and should be treated as such.
bigrock's Avatar
or a provider not following through on a pre-pay deal.. it is all just messed up. Originally Posted by LadiesFan
ooooh, snap!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
This does suck that people do this. I like to use envelopes and be discreet about it. It helps with the illusion. I have never shorted or cashed and dashed. This guy makes us all look bad.
knotty man's Avatar
i like to ask the lady to count it AFTER the session but before i leave. some do and some dont, but either way i feel im giving her atleast the feeling of security that im not trying to fleece her and that if by chance i am "off"in my count. i can remedy it right away
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
What a jerk. That crap makes it harder on the rest of us. As a hobbiest, I check alerts, reviews, discussion boards to help me know what to expect from a provider. I don't play unless I can pay. I've put it in envelopes, laid it out to be seen, given up front (and have been burned by the ladies insisting on that). I've also given at the end as we were preparing to part company.

Some ladies I've seen, never saw any hint of my part of the arrangement until after we were completely finished and ready to part company. I appreciate that kind of trust. I want the ladies to give me good references.

There's a certain amount of trust (guided by caution) that we all operate on. I don't appreciate people violating that trust.

Hmmmmm??? I wonder what I could get for 8$ ? lmao
sixxbach's Avatar
Marley, very sorry to hear about that. I personally dont like to pay ahead of time. makes me feel like im not trusted but i can see why the girls do it.

Karma comes around i guess. hopefully the dude gets his
knotty man's Avatar
Marley, very sorry to hear about that. I personally dont like to pay ahead of time. makes me feel like im not trusted but i can see why the girls do it.

Karma comes around i guess. hopefully the dude gets his Originally Posted by sixxbach
and if you know Karma. when she comes around ,shes gonna KICK HIS ASS!! lol (just teasn you karma)
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I wanted to make that joke....
No more Asian clients? Originally Posted by ibechill
Wow seriously? just cuz one asian guy pulled this doesn't mean all asian guys do.

I'm asian and I usually include extra tips for the girls' time. I'm sure if every provider stopped seeing the ethnicity of people who ripped them off, then there would be nobody left to see.

Anyways I hope the guy contacts you Marley.
Wow seriously? just cuz one asian guy pulled this doesn't mean all asian guys do. Originally Posted by xprometheusx
I assume (and I stress the word "assume") that when race is mentioned in such a case, it is for identifying purposes only. She goes on to mention a scar and other things, so that is why I feel very comfortable assuming. But you're right to be alarmed, I think. If it were to read "to the black/hispanic/etc. guy who ripped me off" it would be equally as alarming and perhaps more obviously insulting or offensive.

I can say that if you are as much of a gentleman as you make yourself out to be, your references should be glowing and I'm sure that this won't hurt your future in the hobby.

And to Marley, that blows! But you're quick to voice what happened and to go through various channels to alert the gals, so hopefully this doucher will be stopped. And the pizza guy thing? Creepy-pants! Being screwed over with money always blows, but at least it wasn't anything scarier (as if that would make it any better? HA).
swwaustin's Avatar
Man that blows. Hope he makes it right, but it's doubtful. I usually drop the envelope where she can see it and excuse my self to the bathroom for a minute or two to give her a chance to count it or whatever. I feel more comfortable when she knows she has the right amount of cash in hand, and there is no confusion in amount.