Strange PM. Any one else get ot?

Guest100610-3's Avatar
I just got a PM telling me I could make money for writing reviews on another site, they even provided a link. Its kind of funny because every time I have ever written a review, I have spent money.
I sense the seeds of drama being sewn here....
Guest100610-3's Avatar
No drama at all, I still have the pm in my box, I was simply asking if any one else got this message and basically why I got it on this site.
I got it too, do the mods want a copy?
it is still in my inbox if you want it
Please forward copies to staff as this appears as a violaton of our pm system.
yardape's Avatar
That site was started by Tysteel, if that handle rings a bell to some of our other ASPD refugees.
Tysteel is a buffoon at best.
IronMan's Avatar
I did not know fair play had opened up a review section for escorts?
It was the last time I checked only for Restaurants?
Bestman200600's Avatar
All of the providers need a level playing field. When someone tries to stuff the box with paid reviews its not fair to the other ladies. Yes they asked me to and it was forwarded to the mod.
  • Stag
  • 11-11-2009, 08:13 AM
When I saw my pm just now, I was going to post a rant about the ethics of this kind of crap, but Bestman must also be a Fastman:
All of the providers need a level playing field. When someone tries to stuff the box with paid reviews its not fair to the other ladies. Yes they asked me to and it was forwarded to the mod.
And as a patron of the pulchritudinous ladies here, why would I trust any review site that has paid graft to someone for their "opinion" on a lady's services?

What idiocy. (And I note that ahnuld, the guy who sent me the pm, has already been banned. Nice, quick catch, Mods. Kudos.)
Guest100610-3's Avatar
I sense the seeds of drama being sewn here.... Originally Posted by cpi3000
No seeds sewn here, just plowed under.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I too got a copy of the PM and knew right away it had to be tysteel with a new handle.

By the time I read it, the new handle was banned so I figured enough people had complained or forwarded the thing I didn't need to waste bandwidth.

Thanks ECCIE Staff for the swift action. I do not like spam and dislike the idea of paying for reviews even less.

Earn the Lounge access on this site by writing honest reviews. THAT's all the reward anyone should need or want.
You know.....I just LOVE this board!

Before most of us even know there is a's GONE!!

My hats are off to all mods and admins here !!!
Introuble's Avatar
I got the PM also. I am making so much money now I have quit my day job and am working out of my house. I expect to be totally debt free in six months and retired by the end of next year. Who needs Amway when you can sit at home, masturbate to girls you have never met and then write reviews. Why did someone not think of this sooner?