Cancel My profile Please

I am giving written notice to close my account due to bogus alerts and I was informed by three moderaotors what WAS GOING ON along with three hobbyist....thanks moderators. I was advised to come back without anyone knowing anything in order to be treated without prejudice due to unfounded and false allegations. Thanks to those that has kept me posted on REAL SAFETY ISSUES and to the friends that has been very supportive. I can still look at the subjects without being a member or a provider in order to keep up with traveling topics.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I will take action to have your account disabled immediately.

For those who are wondering about Anita's comments, I'm afraid they make little sense to me, and I doubt that either of the other mods who deal with the Mississippi board have a better understanding than I do.

vicinms's Avatar
For those who are wondering about Anita's comments, I'm afraid they make little sense to me...
JaG Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS
I second that motion, though that's not unusual and I guess it shouldn't be surprising that she'd leave a little drama to ponder over - lol! Hopefully, this means things will be peaceful here for awhile, though I'm sure she'll be lurking around, but if she posts under another name, she'll reveal herself.