What did you do on your most favorite/fun date?

CassidyBlue's Avatar
What did you do on your most favorite or most fun date?

One of the most fun for me in the last few years:

(This was a couple’s double date.)
1st we went to the local pub and had a few beers... then off to the skating rink. Now, this was when I was well into my late 30's, none of us had skated in over 15 years. We all got fitted for skates, then headed out onto the rink.

We spent about three hours skating around, even did the hokie pokie. The guys were feeling brave and entered the "races", it was freakin hilarious!! We all had a great time and laughed hard as each of us busted our butts out on the floor. Yep, we were definately off our game (or rocker LOL) but, it was a total blast!!

Sometimes you have to reach for the inner child to find him...
gman44's Avatar
Lots of DATY
TexRich's Avatar
ate at St. Elmo Steak House in downtown Indianapolis, went to a dance club and I learned how to do the cupid dance, then we went to a haunted house(her house), and probably had a ghost watch us fuck.....couple of weekends ago. probably not my most favorite but it was fun and most recent.
1thatgotaway's Avatar
We drove down to Houston, saw one of our favorite bands play from the 3rd row, and spent an amazing night together. I will remember every second of that date for the rest of my life. The trip was amazing, she was amazing, and I was the luckiest man on Earth.

  • npita
  • 11-17-2009, 05:01 AM
My most fun civilian date was the one on which I met my fiancee. I had exchanged emails and phone calls with her for about 3 weeks and we finally decided to go out to Cool River in Irving. I told her my favorite color panties is NONE, so she didn't wear any. She was so nervous that she didn't eat her dinner and after a few awkward minutes about what to do afterward, she invited me back to her place. On the way, we picked up a bottle of wine after which, she seduced me.

My best hobby date was with KellyTNT and Sydney (which was before meeting my fiancee). I had seen Kelly before and was ``introduced'' to Sydney at that time. So, for my second visit, I told Kelly and Sydney to take the day off and I booked an appointment for the entire day, starting around 10:30 AM. The seession was over around 1:30 PM at which time Kelly and Sydney took me to lunch at Fogo De Chou (and Kelly picked up the tab!)
My best date was I was a freshman in college, and we saw a sign for puppies for sale, and he bought me one, still have the dog,the best dog ever. Unforuntaley I am not with that guy anymore.
Unforuntaley I am not with that guy anymore. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Tara, I'd say this board is full of men who are very happy that you are no longer with puppy love guy.
  • YSD
  • 11-18-2009, 09:49 AM
This is about two years ago. Had a steady girlfriend at the time.Went to see a concert of one of my favoite bands (Caribou) at the Palladium lofts. Had wine and warm ups at a local park. After the show went to Plano and hopped the fence at the Plano Amphithatre (we were both in our early 50's), and made love (or some might say fucked) all night under the stars.

Had to duck occassionally as cop cars kept patroling the park, but we were undeterred and just plain old lit it up. The girl (athletic/former model/and still great looking), the concert, the wine, and the knowledge of trespassing and fucking was really thrilling ---especially at our age.