Unions and Wall Street Drain Obamacare Retiree Program

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How surprising! A giveaway to unions and big business has been even more successful than anticipated! Way to go, Mr. President! My great grandchildren sure won't mind paying this bill off, since it went to such needy recipients!


Hey Big business creates jobs
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Big business can create jobs without government handouts.
In the article comments:

The free money store continues to underestimate the demand for its product.
No suprise Big Business loves Big Government !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you approve, do you, BT?
Hey Big business creates jobs Originally Posted by ekim008

EK, You must be a card carrying member of the PERIOD union and forgot to pay your dues. Anytime you need one you just come back to this post and help yourself. Here you go............................ ......................
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If you need more just let me know.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So a temporary fund (Read the Federal Register notice) that was to be eliminated in 2014 runs out of money now....and you bitch.

They are spending only the amount they are authorized to, acting responsibly and staying within spending limits....and you bitch.

One of those government tits is being shut off when it was supposed to be (When out of money, NOT 2014)...and you bitch.

Hey douche bags. The money was budgeted and it was spent. Only the amount budgeted was spent. This won't be any part of the care bomb you cry about. That bomb is about unexpected costs. This cost was expected. This worked exactly as stated. 2014 means nothing. It was a temporary program they put a finite amount of money in. They performed exactly the way you have been screaming for them to perform. You're just pissed because there is no reason to be pissed...and because they spent the money in a way you didn't like.
The unions and big business sucked this pre-filled tit dry.

How many jobs did the corporations create? Fuck giving them a tax cut. Let it all expire.

We know you don't like Obamacare.

And I couldn't care less.

We tried tax cuts during a war (or 2). Let's spend the money on Americans.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They aren't acting responsibly. The money was supposed to last until 2014. They have to stop spending because the law only gave them so much money. Business and unions saw the money and grabbed it, therefore, the program will not do what it was supposedly designed to do.

The reason our economy will fail is because of stupid programs like this, where the money does not get to the intended recipients, and there is no accountability. This is just a small representation of what Obamacare will do to the entire health care system. It's already so full of fraud and mismanagement, it will never fulfill it's advertised goals. It will simply siphon money from the middle and lower classes, and give it to the rich, as has been the case for over a hundred years.

This is hope and change? God help us!