Getting Away or Going Out To Play

Once in a while, I hit a point where I need to get out of town and unwind. I have five or six destinations I like and just point and go.

Where is your favorite get away? how often do you take a break and do you hobby/provide when you do?
I definitly like to get away to Vegas. As far as hobbying?...........I take my ATF with me. Makes for a fun break for both of us. It is always a blast.
Guest100610-3's Avatar
I like to go back to New Mexico where I grew up, northern part of the state is really nice and it has not gotten over crowded yet.

And Reno is a nice place to go for a few days as well. HMMMMM, I may need to call my travel agent soon.
My family has a lake house in east texas, that i love to go to just to get away from the big city. Nothing but cows, and dairy queens on every corner. It' the best.
CassidyBlue's Avatar
Any place at all that has a beautiful beach.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-18-2009, 06:16 PM
My family has a lake house in east texas, that i love to go to just to get away from the big city. Nothing but cows, and dairy queens on every corner. It' the best. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I'm with you Tara, I love the country living, I am a west Texas girl, and
I grew up riding in the play days and rodeo's, so I to like to go home
and just relax and enjoy the peace and quite....
I don't really have a home town but there are a few places I like to go. Seattle, the Ozarks, Central Texas, the beach is a big favorite. I have to keep my travel plans to myself or I get calls asking me to bring my table. It's really the last thing on my mind. Otherwise, why go in the first place? Have any of you ever been recognized and asked for a session while you were away?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
New England in the fall with Baaaahhhston as the jumping off point. I just love to drive around up there and absorb it all.
cheatercheater's Avatar
I am fortunate enough to live in the country now. Once I leave the highway off on to the county road, the city disappears.

If I need to get away from the house, I take a walk out to the pond or take one of the horses and saddle up for a ride. My horses are my best friends in that they never judge me no matter what I tell them. A long ride through the Grasslands or along Lake Bridgeport and you have had your relaxing vacation without leaving home.