Liberals point to the fact that most conservatives are prolife and also pro death penalty as some sort of absurd hypocrisy. What liberals don't understand is that conservatives want to protect the innocent and kill the wicked.Originally Posted by BigLouie
Liberals point to the fact that most conservatives are prolife and also pro death penalty as some sort of absurd hypocrisy. What liberals don't understand is that conservatives want to protect the innocent and kill the wicked.What you do not understand is that a lot of so called liberals do not think life begins at conception, they do not think a 4 week abortion is killing. They do think killing a 30 year old is. You just justifiy it by calling them evil.
Most liberals are pro abortion but against the death penalty; they want to kill the innocent and protect the wicked; and they call us crazy.
George Carlin was an idiot. Originally Posted by joe bloe
What you do not understand is that a lot of so called liberals do not think life begins at conception, they do not think a 4 week abortion is killing. They do think killing a 30 year old is. You just justifiy it by calling them evil.I'm not conservative in all my views. When I was in college long ago, I was probably to the left of you. I actually voted for McGovern in 1972.
Would you have aborted Hilter?
Look, you call me liberal and I am for the Death Penalty in certain instances.
I am also for mercy killings.
Call me Dr Death. Originally Posted by WTF
One must wonder whether liberals are born with any intelligence, since so many liberal causes are counterproductive. How is it that liberals can be for open borders which allow cheap labor to cross unopposed into the U.S. and yet still claim they support the interests of unionized workers?I majored in psychology with a minor in sociology. Now I'm to the right of Attila the Hun, funny how life changes you.
Plus, liberals are against positive ID measures to prevent voter fraud because it will disenfranchise voters, and yet they permit the slaughter of a multitude of potential voters in the womb.
"The second item in the liberal creed, after self-righteousness, is unaccountability. Liberals have invented whole college majors--psychology, sociology, women's studies--to prove that nothing is anybody's fault. No one is fond of taking responsibility for his actions, but consider how much you'd have to hate free will to come up with a political platform that advocates killing unborn babies but not convicted murderers. A callous pragmatist might favor abortion and capital punishment. A devout Christian would sanction neither. But it takes years of therapy to arrive at the liberal view." - P.J. O'RourkeOriginally Posted by I B Hankering
One must wonder whether liberals are born with any intelligence, since so many liberal causes are counterproductive. How is it that liberals can be for open borders which allow cheap labor to cross unopposed into the U.S. and yet still claim they support the interests of unionized workers?Yea thats a tough one...
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Plus, liberals are against positive ID measures to prevent voter fraud because it will disenfranchise voters, and yet they permit the slaughter of a multitude of potential voters in the womb.Now that one ain't so tough. I'm for the pill and the day after pill and for early term abortion if a woman so chooses.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There we go folks, ya'll can no longer call me liberal. I'm a callous pragmatist! Courtesy of Mr P J O'Rourke. I knew he was good for something!
. A callous pragmatist might favor abortion and capital punishment. - P.J. O'RourkeOriginally Posted by I B Hankering