This can't be happening.

As though he'd actually veto a power grab! LMAO.signing statements are meaningless. All it does is inform congress that he will not enforce or implement that provision or section he objects to.
So, COG, am I correct in assuming that his "signing statement" does not carry the weight of law and is therefore worth exactly as much as his other promises are? Originally Posted by Iaintliein
signing statements are meaningless. All it does is inform congress that he will not enforce or implement that provision or section he objects to.
Obama won't do those provisions as he claims, but it doesn't prevent the next president from enforcing those provisions. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
signing statements are meaningless. All it does is inform congress that he will not enforce or implement that provision or section he objects to.
Obama won't do those provisions as he ''claims'', but it doesn't prevent the next president from enforcing those provisions. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Your faith in him is waaay beyond mine. I don't think he will hesitate to break his word not to use this if he sees political expediency in doing so. Originally Posted by IaintlieinI didn't make that clear before the correction. -note the scare quotes.