Review Writing Tools (toolbar & emoticons)

When posting a regular post in any forum, the box in which one types has a number typing tools to help the writer emphasize his/her post. You can among other things:
  1. Change the color, type and size of fonts;
  2. You can add emoticons;
  3. You bold, italicize or underline text;
  4. You can add hyperlinks;
  5. You can add Quotes;
  6. You can add content.
None of these tools exist in the review form (or at least I couldn't find them). It would be nice to have these tools when writing a review.

If the formatting toolbar/emoticons could be added to the review form, I think it would help writers to snazz up their reviews a bit because some of the stuff would be very easy.
Sarcastro's Avatar
Perhaps a klutzy workaround, but after posting your review you have one hour to edit. I think it'd be possible to add all your desired frills via the edit menu.
I was able to do the editing while writing the review, only because I already knew the codes (i.e. , etc.). Then I previewed the review to make sure I'd gotten all the codes correctly inserted. But that's quite a few keystrokes and makes the possibility of errors much higher.

I find the toolbar that exist in the posting box to be very helpful. It's just a suggestion...