DownForWhatever's Avatar
I keep seeing "STL" pop up in South Texas ads and reviews and have no freakin' idea what it stands for...I've used the Search feature and Googled the crap out of it.

Someone, please enlighten me before my head assplodes!

  • Tyvm
  • 01-03-2012, 05:26 AM
South Texas Look, I'll let someone else explain it better than I can.
I keep seeing "STL" pop up in South Texas ads and reviews and have no freakin' idea what it stands for...I've used the Search feature and Googled the crap out of it.

Someone, please enlighten me before my head assplodes!

Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
STL = South Texas Look = Overweight Provider.
A girl that isn't quite in the BBW category. One description used was a few tacos shy of BBW. That in between size that we all have such a hard time describing.
Muffin top
rgvlocokid's Avatar
While not part of the normally understood, I have come to understand that it is a heavier woman who still manages to look good. She caries her weight well.

We need a new term for those spinners or near spinners who are soft and flabby. Maybe "fluffy spinner." I have run across several of these and they sometimes are less appealing than a stl lady.
lover_361's Avatar
While not part of the normally understood, I have come to understand that it is a heavier woman who still manages to look good. She caries her weight well.

We need a new term for those spinners or near spinners who are soft and flabby. Maybe "fluffy spinner." I have run across several of these and they sometimes are less appealing than a stl lady. Originally Posted by Bull149
I'd rather have a STL than a "fluffy spinner" anyday. I used to date a skinny fat girl back when I lived in the valley. Give me a nice gordita with the right curves anyday. Plus i am far from skinny, so a good looking STL is prefect in my book............within reason.
thaks DFW for asking that question....i was wondering what it meant 2....... and what about "sb"?
lover_361's Avatar
thaks DFW for asking that question....i was wondering what it meant 2....... and what about "sb"? Originally Posted by slowmantx
sb=sugar baby
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--I thought they maent St louis!

I was called a flipper once.......not a spinner but not near a bbw
{guess cause he "flipped" me like a sack of potates}
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I keep seeing "STL" pop up in South Texas ads and reviews and have no freakin' idea what it stands for...I've used the Search feature and Googled the crap out of it.

Someone, please enlighten me before my head assplodes!

Originally Posted by DownForWhatever

That's an easy one. Just think, Mr Smith with titties.
(The maternal kind; his man-boobs and back-breasts don't count)



That's an easy one. Just think, Mr Smith with titties.
(The maternal kind; his man-boobs and back-breasts don't count)



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
I need to lose some wieght to get back down to STL. Thanks for trying to boost my ego though buddy. ( He's a spinner with an attitude)
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Wow! Thanks for all the info.

No wonder I was clueless...about the South Texas Look...being a D/FW kind guy...most of the time.

How about the "GCL"....Golden Corral Look?

mirandalee's Avatar
Lol wow I learned something new today...