Reference Policy

Just a general FYI. I've been running into a problem recently with gentlemen that list me as a reference for other providers when I haven't seen them in a long, long time. Some, for several years.

I have a 6 month reference policy...which means that if I haven't seen you within the past 6 months, I cannot provide you with a reference.

There are many reasons for my policy, but the most important one is that a lot can happen to people in the Hobby over time. I'm simply not comfortable guaranteeing another lady that you are safe if I can't remember our date.

Thanks for your understanding!
Adrianna xo's Avatar
Wisely stated Ms.Ginger. The gentleman hobbyist should not expect reference from lady he no longer sees, and the provider can have no confidence in that optimist who may have long since ceased be all but dim memory. Of course, we all like to think we made lasting impression, but even good impression need to freshened with passing of time.
"Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, but the other is gold."
Thank you, Chan. You may be my consistent victim on WWF, but your clever phrasing trumps me every time. Lol
gimme_that's Avatar
This is why I do a cartwheell and backflip in every session, ladies rarely forget that........

I have a 6 month reference policy...which means that if I haven't seen you within the past 6 months, I cannot provide you with a reference.

... Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
So all we have to do is schedule a six-month-long session once a year?
So all we have to do is schedule a six-month-long session once a year? Originally Posted by JDNorthface
No, no, no... I'm not trying to kill you!

P.S. love the avatar, Gimme_That. Very cool.
No, no, no... I'm not trying to kill you!... Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
A six-minute session would kill me. Not a bad way to go really...
So all we have to do is schedule a six-month-long session once a year? Originally Posted by JDNorthface
Just a question? In a six month session, do we get timeout for me to open another bottle of Pinot Grigio or do I need to pop the corks in advance and have the bottles on ice? Ice? Oh there's uses for that too . . .
BB you pop the top I will keep working my magic!
This is why I do a cartwheell and backflip in every session, ladies rarely forget that........ Originally Posted by gimme_that
I decided to adopt item 4 of your other post (
Ufriend thank you for that. I needed a good
Laugh and you can damn sure
Bet I am gonna use that! But what to say when I
Just a general FYI. I've been running into a problem recently with gentlemen that list me as a reference for other providers when I haven't seen them in a long, long time. Some, for several years.

I have a 6 month reference policy...which means that if I haven't seen you within the past 6 months, I cannot provide you with a reference.

There are many reasons for my policy, but the most important one is that a lot can happen to people in the Hobby over time. I'm simply not comfortable guaranteeing another lady that you are safe if I can't remember our date.

Thanks for your understanding! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
So what you are saying is that if someone you haven't seen in 9 months calls to schedule an appointment you're going to make him go through all the pre-screening all over again?
So what you are saying is that if someone you haven't seen in 9 months calls to schedule an appointment you're going to make him go through all the pre-screening all over again? Originally Posted by warbird
You bet. I would ask for an update on his reference situation, an explanation of the hiatus, etc. If it was someone that I had kept in semi-regular contact with through IM, PM, email, text, whatever...Then I may adjust my needs accordingly. But we're talking about almost a year? A lot can happen in that time frame, and I won't put myself or any other girl in an uncertain situation...despite the minor inconvenience to the client.

Anyone that knows how things are in Arkansas, knows that this is no place to be lax with screening. Safety is my number 1 priority, both my safety and everyone else's. I won't apologize for it... In fact, I would hope that instead of being viewed as a nuisance, awareness of the precautions I take would reassure others that value their safety as much as I do, that I will be a trouble-free encounter.
You bet. I would ask for an update on his reference situation, an explanation of the hiatus, etc. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll