And Obama Gets Another One Wrong - Suppresses Info Re: Volt Fire

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Still waiting for someone to own up to saying the Volt would revolutionize the auto industry. Well, the Volt (or Obama's Revenge) is a disaster, and the Administration is under suspicion for suppressing the defect in the Volt that causes it to catch fire. Yes, we still own GM (26%), so it is difficult to understand why the Administration would withhold such information. Oh, yeah. This is the President's pet project.

While you are streamlining government, Mr. President, which is a good idea, let's get out of the automobile business, and back to protecting liberty. Or start protecting liberty.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama did wrong? As Eric Holder said, it depends on your state of mind.
Was that a copy and paste link, COG?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, my CITE to the SITE was copied and pasted, but notice I did not copy and paste the entire article and try to pass it off as my own.