You see, there was this monk that walked into the bar and ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Alright. I have a question and a slight dilemma and I wanted to get some feedback.

The background is the simple fact that I need some pictures done. I don't need any ideas but I need to know if this one idea is acceptable or not.

More background is a few weeks ago, I met a client who just completely charmed me. What was even more charming then the fact that he had (or has) absolutely NO IDEA how adorable he is or how good he is in bed (proof being is when I told him he had one of those "escorts lie about everything" looks in his eyes which at the time, only made me giggle) but the man looks just like Friar Tuck.

Without the bald spot.

Now under normal circumstances, I wouldn't wish to frolic with a man of the cloth but I cannot get out of my mind that I want him to dress up like a monk and I want to take pictures with him. I want to take a peek underneath his clothing. I wish to grope him!

(On a side note, if MORE MEN would wear kilts, sarongs and walk with purpose, I have a feeling they would get laid more frequently. Women LIKE kilts and the such! It's the whole, 'what are they wearing underneath' thing that gets to us!)

Last week, I found myself looking on EBAY trying to find not a monk's costume but a bonified monk's outfit. I mean, do it right, correct?

The photographer seems to be a professional sort and I'm not sure how he would respond if I showed up with a monk in tow. This idea would probably work just as well with a man wearing a kilt but I like the monk idea.

One problem other than the photographer just telling me no (which he could) is I don't feel it would be polite to tell this client, who I'm a little smitten with, that he's a dead ringer for Friar Tuck (or rather my perception of the character). It might hurt his feelings.

So. Are there any cute, portly, slightly older men with a twinkle in their eye that would like to dress up as a monk out there? I have absolutely NO trepidation fondling your penis while we're taking pictures if you wish for me to. (But we won't be able to photograph THAT part. This will have to be subtle and tasteful as far as tasteful could go with this!)

I'm as serious as a heart attack. I LIKE this idea! But I would appreciate any thoughts. Or jokes. This topic is all in fun although I'm sure that I'm stepping on toes this day after Easter!

smokeater's Avatar
I think that's a great idea and if a providor approached me I would not be insulted by the thought. I must say this is one time I wish I was a little more portly.....

Have fun
Mister Tudball's Avatar
I'm half Scots. I'm sure I must have a kilt around here somewhere.

P.S. I don't think anyone will have a problem if you want to f__k Friar Tuck.
Traveler64's Avatar
Just a wee minute there lassie. I'll see if I can get Sean Connery to sho' up in his kilt!

Thanks for the chuckle Elizabeth. Smitten with a client girl? Watch it.
Did I hear someone say "kilt"? I love a man in a kilt almost as much as I love a man out of it

Here is what I thought after reading your post Elisabeth.
Now as for a Kilt or Sarong... please let me think about that and let you think...

Now I know I have a kilt around somewhere as I am Scotish but I might just leave you thinking like this... darn, always way too soon, the horror of it all.
pyramider's Avatar
No kilt. But I have a bottle of Scotch, does that count?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Damn. I hope that no provider posts on who I remind her of. Probably the Pillsbury dough boy or a slightly more portly Michelin Man.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Too bad I have a bald spot.
Women LIKE kilts and the such! It's the whole, 'what are they wearing underneath' thing that gets to us! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Ummmm, errrr, uhhhhh. Hang on-not for all of us lol. Kilt or not, it's STILL a skirt...just a man's skirt. The word "kilt" just makes it acceptable in certain regions lol.

I wouldn't be saying "what is he wearing underneath," I'd be saying "why the hell is dude wearing a skirt?"

If you are a guy who wears a Kilt, I am not trying to offend you, honestly, I'm not. But ask the lady first if she is accepting of such an outfit, because if you up at my place in a skirt, oops Kilt, you are not getting laid lol

Now the whole "monk" thing.....there's something about the forbidden....see tagline lol

"Now the whole "monk" thing.....there's something about the forbidden....see tagline lol"

Yup, saw some porn, two nuns in Habit, Headdress and Whipple, with nothing on under the cloak, wearing fishnets and high heels, damn can not get that out of my head.
  • btxps
  • 04-07-2010, 03:47 PM
Monk is my favorite TV charactor.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Monk is my favorite TV charactor. Originally Posted by btxps
Yeah, it's a great show!!! Thanks for the comments. I was in a local store last week and almost bumped into a Buddhist monk. My eyes opened wide and I thought ... hmmm. But no. Only a Friar Tuck will do. Wearing Birkenstocks.

Or the kilt.

LazurusLong's Avatar
If you know anyone with a sewing machine, you might want to look over some photos and simply go to one of the wholesale fabric stores on Harry Hines and and look around. JoAnn Fabrics on Forest / Preston also. (I had to find something for a gift for a friend who sews and this thread made me remember all the places I searched for what she wanted!) That's a link to a $29.00 Friat Tuck costume that my quick search turned up.
"Friar Tuck CostumeOne of the merriest of Robin's Merry Men, this jovial friar may not have made it far as a monk, but he provides plenty of comic relief among the band of thieves. Have plenty of ale on hand at your next Halloween or theme party and this man of the cloth will gladly give his blessing to the celebrations.
Friar Tuck Costume includes wig, robe, belt cord. One size fits most adults. Check out our Religious Theme category for accessories to complete your Monk costume!"

Here's what looks like a slightly darker colored one.

About the same price too.