Saw a provider at Dallas gun show!

I saw a cute provider buying a gun at the Dallas Gun Show this weekend. I respected her privacy, glad to see her looking for some firepower!
Better not piss her off, she may be toting that gun with her to calls
Bloodhound's Avatar
Wow, thanks for this news worthy item. I can sleep tonight knowing this.
I am sure lot's of providers pack heat.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
"Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?" - Mae West
JackNapier's Avatar
I saw a cute provider buying a gun at the Dallas Gun Show this weekend. I respected her privacy, glad to see her looking for some firepower! Originally Posted by jahesc
I think she uses it for screening.
That's ok

Mine is bigger!
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Maybe I saw her at the Ft Worth gun show a couple of weeks ago if you're talking trim, blonde, killer legs, walking slowly down the aisles.
Think about it, a Coliseum full of men with loads of toy-buying cash and their wives staying home.
TomKat's Avatar
I went to a Safari Club event a few years back and saw a few there, too. They weren`t doing any buying though.
  • zebra
  • 01-17-2012, 07:55 PM
A few providers frequent the gun shows looking for personal protection. I set up at Market Hall 4 times a year on the south wall. They mostly dress down out in public but every now & then they bust out the 5 inch heels, low blouses, & short skirts. Never had one offer services for a bang bang though....
otrdriver's Avatar
No Bang for a bang bang! lol
Iaintliein's Avatar
Why don't you loosen your bullets?