Joe Paterno Passes

Joe Paterno passed away this morning. I was not a fan of Penn State or Joe Paterno. But Paterno was a legend in coaching and the recent sex scandal does not take away the accomplishments of such a great man that touched so many lives and was a legend in college football. He did not deserve to go out this way.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Paterno was a winner. His teams played clean, hard football.
Rest in Peace, JoePa.
His legacy should be the winningest coach. And the Sandusky scandle should be a mute point. He was a great coach!!! The BEST.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Vaya con Dios JoePa.
TexasDave555's Avatar
Joe will go down in history as a great football coach, but a flawed man of character. Unfortunately for him, his poor choice to turn a blind eye and passing the buck because of the distasteful events that were brought to his attention will tarnish his legacy.

When he needed to be strong of character, he punted instead of running up the middle.
The man has passed, your words dont hurt him anymore, lets honor his life and let him rest in peace. We are all human and all have flaws.
Sorry guys. Paterno was a victim of his own generation and their naive outlook on this issue. I really do think the man had character.........and I hope one mistake will not take away all the good he did in his lifetime
Tx Noob's Avatar
R.I.P. JoePa. We'll miss ya.