Something to make you go ... hmmmmm.....

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  • ~Ze~
  • 01-22-2012, 08:46 AM

Now, some of you may wanna fact check this - so here you go.

Link to the Procedures to get Video into the US.

Link to the PDF of the actual "Declaration Form"

That's simply ridiculous. I can understand blocking certain things, eg: child pornography, terrorist training videos, and German polka dancing. Trying to block things that are "immoral" is a bit over the top though.

Who gets to decide what is or is not immoral? Is there some guy who holds the office of inspector of immoral topics? I find sleazy politicians and overpriced steaks to be immoral! When do I get to block their access to this country?

Also, while seditious activities may be barred by the Constitution, seditious talk is not. I guess that is a moot point since coordinating protests are not seditious to begin with.