Anybody know how to put a Watermark on digital pictures for free?

Precious_b's Avatar
I see them out there.
But I can't find a place online that will do it free or offer free software download.
tia travels's Avatar
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-13-2012, 06:41 PM
Check out GIMP. It is a free image program that is just about as capable as Photoshop.

You can learn more here...
jframe2's Avatar
Here is another image program that will do some pretty cool things with a pretty easy learning curve.
fasstone photo resizer. It's a great little FREE utility that will do batch photo resizing, batch renaming as well as batch watermarking and batch text over image. The app is only 1.4 MB, works fast and uses almost no resources.
Precious_b's Avatar
Thanks for the leads all.
Tia, tried a few of the ones that the search of yours pulled up.
Seem more capable for just one off pictures.

Mokoa, I remember GIMP from somewhere in my past so that is possibly a good thing.

That doesn't pan out, i'll check out that last two post.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
+1 for GIMP over here. I exclusively used Linux for several years and this was my Photoshop alternative. It's a great little program that can do simple and complex jobs well.