I work out! (Im sexy and I know it :)

Sweet N Little's Avatar
No, not me lol ..It's a song ...lol
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I was curious since physical appearance (not all) means a lot in this business,
do guys still work at it since yours is not really an issue? Just curious.

Any workout tips are appreciated from you ladies as well

I think I've made it pretty clear the only way I get sex is to pay for it. I'm an old fart who is short, about 50 lbs over weight, balding, greying, and generally out of shape. Which lady would look twice in my direction?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Oh.....lol What I meant Charlie was do you still make an effort to keep in shape ? Or is it not on your list of priorities?
Oh.....lol What I meant Charlie was do you still make an effort to keep in shape ? Or is it not on your list of priorities? Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Yeah, I got your meaning. I try to walk, but that's about it. I fail miserably at just walking.

I fly a fair amount of the time, and in every airline's magazine is a picture of this (about) 60 year old guy in grey hair with 6 pack abs. I even forget what he is advertising. But the idea is: any guy can look like this if you sign on to the program. I don't think so. It takes more discipline than I have. And, I'm sure Ava, as a personal trainer, would agree that staying in shape is a combination of dieting and exercise. My schedule fucks with any attempt I would make at staying in shape.
I've had a quite a few hobbyists who are fit and quite attractive. It's not the majority by any means but some definitely do.
I don't care one way or another if a hobbyists is fit or not.
shorty's Avatar
Yea I workout! My right forearm is a lot bigger than my left forearm and can't seem to figure out why. I switch hit from time to time. My cardio workout consists of Sexcrise (Mish and K9)! LOL
I don't care one way or another if a hobbyists is fit or not. Originally Posted by Shayla
You'd definitely care with me!! We'd be in missionary, and I collapse on top of you, crushing you so you couldn't breathe, all because I'm not strong enough to hold myself up. I'm afraid mish is for a bygone era with me.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
good work-out idea lol


Naomi4u's Avatar
Drink lots of water and get massages every two weeks.
I just started. As for working out, i don't even know how to stay motivated.
I love the the stairmaster and.....those guys at the gym are so hot!!! Lol
I do something like 4 or 5 push-ups every day....takes me about an hour....does that count??
john353's Avatar
Working out is all in your mind. If you don't have it in your head to follow through with it on a daily basis (exercise, diet, cardio, etc.) then it's pointless.

My sweet tooth is the hardest thing to combat when trying to keep my belly flat. Hostess Cupcakes are my biggest weakness and I swear they talk to me from the grocery store shelf, LOL!!

I was lucky to be blessed with good genes and a semi-high metabolism, so as long as can keep my eating habits under control, I can usually stay in pretty decent shape.
Hostess Cupcakes are my biggest weakness and I swear they talk to me from the grocery store shelf, LOL!! Originally Posted by john353
Hostess declared bankruptcy so maybe the economy will come to your rescue.

@SNL - I don't know where you get all your graphics, but it's one the most entertaining thing on this board.
john353's Avatar
Hostess declared bankruptcy so maybe the economy will come to your rescue.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Hostess declared bankruptcy so maybe the economy will come to your rescue.

@SNL - I don't know where you get all your graphics, but it's one the most entertaining thing on this board. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
thanks Charles, mostly Google mixed with my warped mind lol
a pretty pic for you

simpleton's Avatar
In my younger days I worked as a sales person, then a gm, then district manager for some large fitness chains. I was in great shape, it was a lifestyle that I lived and loved. Then I changed careers and slowly over time I put on fat and a lot of it. I hated the way I felt and I hated the way I looked. But more than anything else I was disgusted that I allowed myself to get so out of shape. I just turned 45. I will tell you I started and failed many times about staying on a fitness program. But I kept at it and finally got to a good place. I'm 6'1 and weigh about 190 lbs. If I wanted to be completely ripped I would need to get down to about 170 lbs. I have no desire to live my life in that way.

Here's what I think people's mistakes are.
1. Unrealistic goals.
2.To strict of diet.
3.Trying to stick with a workout routine they hate. Just get moving, even if it's just walking around the mall checking out all the hot bodies.

Start small and have goals that are attainable. If your 50lbs. over weight don't try to lose it all in two months. Try losing just 5lbs. And don't allow excuses to keep you from holding yourself accountable. The hardest part is starting. Learn to make better bad choices. And keep at it.
Small changes over time become big changes.