Ball Sucking

Didn't know of any other term that described the topic so there it is!

Gentlemen, do you enjoy it when a woman pulls the boys into her mouth? Is so, what makes it good for you?

Ladies, is this something you consider important during a blowjob? What do you do with the balls to make the guy feel he's made a great choice?
Ladies, is this something you consider important during a blowjob? Originally Posted by txcwby6
I think it is important...but they have to be clean as a whistle and hairless
i agree Please make it some Hairless CLean BALLS
I enjoy having my balls licked and sucked gently - and I make sure they're nice and smooth before any session. Gently is the key word for me - too rough can make it slightly painful.
Clouddancer's Avatar
I enjoy it! Never got much of this action til I started shaving the balls.
Even then it took a little while before I got to experience this kind of treatment........

........ seems band-aids on the balls are as big a turn off as hair.

Hey! its hard to shave those puppies!
TakeDownMyPants's Avatar
I always enjoy it. I ensure i thoroughly wash down to be mindful lol.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-12-2010, 07:16 PM
I for one love to lick and suck and tease a man....I will let my tongue
slide all the way back to his crack and then run my tongue up the seam
and all along your boys and then I will suck one into my mouth and suck
ever so gently until I move my way up your shaft....ummmmmmm
only if youre squeaky clean and smooth.......
Nice having your nuts sucked on and pulled on some times while someone has em in there mouth.
must suck for the guys to have to deal with so many rules.. cleaniness ok.. geez beat a dead horse already.. if you want your nuts sucked and slobbered and sucked, and flicked with a hot wet tongue..damn it hair or guys deserve it.. feel sorry for you gents some time.. the hoops being jumped thru and such
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I enjoy a lady teabagging me. When I'm not always shaved, I never anticipate it------but when I am shaved smooth, I anticipate a little oral playtime. I always make sure I smell fresh. That means showering. And freshening up with soap down there. I want the lady to enjoy giving me oral all over.

Gently with the twins, but aggressive with big brother.
you know..not everyone enjoys the taste of soap, cologne, dryer sheets, powder or the countless other things guys think every girl needs to put their mouth to good use..

a shower before you show up is good, a shower after you get there is ok..but wash ALL THE DAMN soap off.. being clean is one thing..but not everyone is anal about the deal..
CuriousDude's Avatar
you know..not everyone enjoys the taste of soap, cologne, dryer sheets, powder or the countless other things guys think every girl needs to put their mouth to good use..

a shower before you show up is good, a shower after you get there is ok..but wash ALL THE DAMN soap off.. being clean is one thing..but not everyone is anal about the deal.. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
DeAnna Luv - I like your spunkiness..... Where are you in Arkansas? I do make it there every once in a while and would love to make an appointment with you sometime.

CuriousDude in DFW
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Any one of my clients and ALL of my friends will tell you I'm a ball girl. I love them above any other part of the human anatomy. I can do things to balls you've never even thought of.... but.... I can't go near them with my mouth if they are covered in hair. How could I? How could any girl? The amount of time spent pulling hair from our teeth would trump any time spent on the actual balls.

Just trimmed WAY back is enough for me, but I much prefer shaved. I've been known to make an hour session go 90 min if I have the time and a set of perfect naked balls.

All you have to do is get them warm so the skin relaxes and you can pull it down straight. Just shave them like you would your face. Gently.

Shave your balls and trim back any hair that grows on your penis and just above it (where my nose goes.)

Oh hot damn I'm totally ready for my appt in 20 min now. Thanks for this thread.
I love good hygiene.
Bah! I shaved my balls once last year and cut myself all up to hell. I'm never doing it again. What I will do is trim.

I'm always freshly showered (all the soap is washed off) and trimmed. If you gals don't want to suck on a sexy ass Russian with the most uber ninja kitties in the world, then that's your loss!