After some recent events, I today have decided to bid farewell to the hobby. My two regular providers, Dreams and Sexy Brittney, have been nothing more than gracious.
As some here know, I have severe health issues. I live on a very fixed budget, which Dreams and Brit both accepted in seeing me. I also, as some may remember, am the victim of an extreme case of erectile dysfunction, that despite having medication still does not perform properly. This has caused some ladies to push me away at once. Dreams and Brit saw me in-spite of it.
Well Dreams has recently changed some of her menu, which were some of the limited activities I could perform . This is her right 100% and I do not knock her for that. Brittney this evening told me she didn't want to see me any longer. The reasons were the NC/NS review I posted of her in January and my limited income. This is her right as well 100% though I do find it interesting someone getting upset with me posting an honest review because she didn't call or show for a scheduled appointment I drove at length to get to. We did see each other at a later date and I posted a very favorable review of that.
I also continue to receive harassing and threatening emails from users here. This is due to a post nearly 2 years ago, when I expressed disappointment that a provider had changed a menu item. I have sent the information to the owners and moderators of this forums on numerous occasions and nothing is done to prevent it.
But due to these recent turn of events, and that most ladies do not want to bother with the E.D., I am leaving the hobby. I think Dreams and Brittney are two of the greatest providers this forums has. They are the best I have seen, to that there is no doubt. I bid no ill will towards anyone, and wish everyone here a success in all they do.