Mistake or right decision.

So I am here at my hotel in the Jackson area bored. My business meeting was moved until tomorrow. When I hear from the room next door someone having a really good time. I am thinking to myself someone has found a good provider in the area they can trust. So I walk outside to go have a smoke, right before I exited my room a lovely lady emerged from the room next door and was headed down the hall. She is waiting on the elevator and I startled her when I walked up. We smiled at each other and entered the elevator. We exchanged a few brief words I could tell she is exactly what I am looking for! So silly me knowing it is not proper to just approach someone I didn't say a word. Now here I am searching for her and I can not seem to locate an ad for her.
So my question is did I do what was right or should I have just said hello and found an ice breaker?
Let me know what you all think.
well you knew what she was up to next door,and if you even suspected she was a hooker,i would have broken the ice,especially if she looked anything like one
Believe me you could tell she just had a great time and was dressed for the occasion. Guess live and learn on this one. Back to searching unless I get lucky and the dude next door posts a review.
Was she hot? If so you need to kick yourself
I can not even begin to tell you how much I am kicking myself right now.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Well you should have said something,might have gotten lucky....
Go knock on his door and ask about her. But it maybe his girlfriend. LOL
To funny RPM.... You could have just thrown out a compliment and the fact that you were really bored and that you were thinking of a way to BLOW a few dollars... LMAO... and you MIGHT have had a wonderful evening like the guy that was probablly now passed out next door...LOLOL.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
Wondering what the discrete "ice breaker" question might be to the lady under those circumstances? I'd be tempted to say something, but what?

Maybe something like "How about round 2, next room?" lol.

Maybe funny, but probably too crude.
vicinms's Avatar
I ran into a similar situation about 2 yrs ago, when I entered an elevator with 2 girls who I thought I'd seen in BP ads earlier that week. I was debating what to say when the elevator stopped and they seemed a little cautious when I exited on the same floor and then followed them down the same hallway, where they stopped at the room adjacent to the door I was knocking on (for the BP girl I was visiting). We all looked at each other with a knowing smile! As it turned out they were all traveling together and I saw one of the girls from the elevator a few days later!
A mechanic friend gave an estimate to a young lady and her reply to him was she'd need 3 clients to cover the repairs. He knows about the hobby and finally asked her if she was in the hobby, she said yes and how did he know about it. He told her about me and she knew about eccie. Haven't heard if she came back yet or not. I think if you just say Hobby that might work.