The petroleum company is making 28 cents per gallon of gas the federal tax is 50 cents. Because it contains ethanol you will get 25% fewer miles per gallon. Because of the ethanol you are paying 10% more for beef and chicken. The oil company's get the same tax breaks as Apple Computer and GE. You need to quit listening to that ass hole in the rose garden.
Originally Posted by tucson
You have been hoodwinked by the Oil Companies, Food Companies, and Texas Cattleman wanting to change reality and hiring a public relations firm to spread lies about ethanol.
First off, 10% blend of ethanol doesn't change gas mileage that much. In fact, ethanol increases the octane of gasoline, so cars often run better on it. Even though Ethanol doesn't have as many BTU's per gallon as gasoline, the MPG doesn't drop as much as the simple equation says it would.
Second, none of the liars want to credit the distillers grains that come back from the ethanol plants to provide high quality high protein feed back to especially cattle. Texas cattlemen don't like it because it cheapened the cost of gain for cattle back to the traditional cornbelt.
Darn, I can't remember the documentary movie made by someone that was shocked at the lies told about ethanol.