Republicans ok taxpayers getting double taxed!!!

Ok, Neo-cons....need you to explain to me...why this is ok..."Big Oil" is charging me $4 a gallon...and thy need my tax dollars to stay profitable???

And please for once...dont go off on tangents about other subsidies...lets try something new...answer the eff'ing question....thats what I always see you conservatives complain about....
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Why don't you go and fuck a duck.

Not one penny of your tax dollars is going to "Big Oil"

If you want to start taxing them more then you will see the price go even higher.

You want the price to go down?..then create more sources.
Ok, Neo-cons....need you to explain to me...why this is ok..."Big Oil" is charging me $4 a gallon...and thy need my tax dollars to stay profitable???

And please for once...dont go off on tangents about other subsidies...lets try something new...answer the eff'ing question....thats what I always see you conservatives complain about.... Originally Posted by Raa1965
First it's not a subsidy. A subsidy is an assistance paid to a business or economic sector. No taxpayer dollars, including yours, are paid to the oil companies. You can't start a thread with a spin and expect anything constructive to come out of it. Can't speak for Republicans, but I would've voted no simply because it takes away from one sector and gives to another, AND the reigning prez hasn't showed the ability to pick a winner yet.
Don't believe anything that unicorn salesman is telling you.
LovingKayla's Avatar
But he promised a rainbow filly damnit. Are you telling me he lied?? Sniff
The petroleum company is making 28 cents per gallon of gas the federal tax is 50 cents. Because it contains ethanol you will get 25% fewer miles per gallon. Because of the ethanol you are paying 10% more for beef and chicken. The oil company's get the same tax breaks as Apple Computer and GE. You need to quit listening to that ass hole in the rose garden.
Why don't you go and fuck a duck.

Not one penny of your tax dollars is going to "Big Oil"

If you want to start taxing them more then you will see the price go even higher.

You want the price to go down?..then create more sources. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
First it's not a subsidy. A subsidy is an assistance paid to a business or economic sector. No taxpayer dollars, including yours, are paid to the oil companies. You can't start a thread with a spin and expect anything constructive to come out of it. Can't speak for Republicans, but I would've voted no simply because it takes away from one sector and gives to another, AND the reigning prez hasn't showed the ability to pick a winner yet. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Ok...enlighten me...where does the money come from???

And where you call it subsidies or tax credits...their bill for doing business is still lowered...

So once again...where is the money for this program coming from??? The govt gets funded mainly from taxes...its still a loophole or does the average American benefit from it?
The petroleum company is making 28 cents per gallon of gas the federal tax is 50 cents. Because it contains ethanol you will get 25% fewer miles per gallon. Because of the ethanol you are paying 10% more for beef and chicken. The oil company's get the same tax breaks as Apple Computer and GE. You need to quit listening to that ass hole in the rose garden. Originally Posted by tucson
Fine....where are the republicans asking for the tax breaks to end for Apple and GE....??

Oh right....they arent...because the lobbyist are filling their campaign coffers with contributions to keep it up....stop listening the the fox brodcast BS....
Why don't you give up your mortgage tax break. While you are at it give up your married with children tax break. Also give up the subsidy on your federal tax for the tax you pay the state. Start in your own back yard.
Why don't you go and fuck a duck.

Not one penny of your tax dollars is going to "Big Oil"

If you want to start taxing them more then you will see the price go even higher.

You want the price to go down?..then create more sources. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Really...thats all it takes...more sources??? So...OPEC and the Saudis saying they want oil at $100...they have no say??? If we could tap every ounce of oil...whats to stop them from lowering production to boost prices!?!? And of course...all the oil brought in and the gas derivatives...all stay in the US for our use right???? Wrong!!!! We are now a "net exporter" of gasoline!!!!! Why!?!? Because they are making more money selling over seas...instead of keeping it here and lowering prices!!!!
Why don't you give up your mortgage tax break. While you are at it give up your married with children tax break. Also give up the subsidy on your federal tax for the tax you pay the state. Start in your own back yard. Originally Posted by tucson
Dont have a mortgage anymore shit for brains, paid off...and my children are all grown...

Ok...enlighten me...where does the money come from???

And where you call it subsidies or tax credits...their bill for doing business is still lowered...

So once again...where is the money for this program coming from??? The govt gets funded mainly from taxes...its still a loophole or does the average American benefit from it? Originally Posted by Raa1965
LOL, there is no program, and no company gets paid a penny from the taxpayers. It is a law that allows manufacturing companies, not just oil companies, in a lot of different sectors to pay less taxes. You are correct that it does lower their cost of business, for most manufacturing companies. The problem with the bill is the same as with 99% of the bills passed by both parties, and that is how can I repay the people that donate to my campaign, and punish those that donate to the other party.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-29-2012, 05:46 PM
But he promised a rainbow filly damnit. Are you telling me he lied?? Sniff Originally Posted by LovingKayla

where are you people finding stations to fill up your unicorns?
The petroleum company is making 28 cents per gallon of gas the federal tax is 50 cents. Because it contains ethanol you will get 25% fewer miles per gallon. Because of the ethanol you are paying 10% more for beef and chicken. The oil company's get the same tax breaks as Apple Computer and GE. You need to quit listening to that ass hole in the rose garden. Originally Posted by tucson


You have been hoodwinked by the Oil Companies, Food Companies, and Texas Cattleman wanting to change reality and hiring a public relations firm to spread lies about ethanol.

First off, 10% blend of ethanol doesn't change gas mileage that much. In fact, ethanol increases the octane of gasoline, so cars often run better on it. Even though Ethanol doesn't have as many BTU's per gallon as gasoline, the MPG doesn't drop as much as the simple equation says it would.

Second, none of the liars want to credit the distillers grains that come back from the ethanol plants to provide high quality high protein feed back to especially cattle. Texas cattlemen don't like it because it cheapened the cost of gain for cattle back to the traditional cornbelt.

Darn, I can't remember the documentary movie made by someone that was shocked at the lies told about ethanol.
Raa - how ironic. you want a stright answer and not to go off on some tangent. Seems like that is all the democraps know.

And didn't you read the article today by former senator Dorgan (D) that the reason for high gas prices is because of the speculators. Supply and demand does not play as much a role in gas prices as the uncontrolled speculators.