Rush's ratings up 60 percent after Fluke flap

TheDaliLama's Avatar

“The advertisers who hung in here are going gangbusters, yes. ... I mean, that’s the simple truth. ... The only ones who got hurt are the ones who left.”

I guess no one wanted to pay for that slut's birth control after all.

I doubt the people who are regular Rush listeners stopped. He probably picked up some listners who were wondering what all the hoopla was about.

Rush is a professional broadcaster. He has been doing this for a long time. He knows exactly what he is doing.

Advertisers know this.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Oh, bullshit!

Rush has no fucking idea of what he is doing.

. . . He is like a bloated bullfrog who only knows how to make noise.

. . . He is like a bloated bullfrog who only knows how to make noise. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Did I hear Rush say ribbit?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Let me edit that for you Fast Cum so that even you can understand...

“The advertisers who hung in here are going gangbusters, yes. ... I mean, that’s the simple truth. ... The only ones who got hurt are the ones who left.”

I guess no one wanted to pay for that slut's birth control after all.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Did I hear Rush say ribbit? Originally Posted by bigtex
That was Fast Cum.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-30-2012, 04:45 PM
good for Lush ..

too bad his mouth didnt do the same for the right ..
joe bloe's Avatar
The news of his demise was greatly exaggerated. Rush rules! Rush single handedly saved AM radio. He'll be on Mt Rushmore eventually (no pun intended).
Oh, bullshit!

Rush has no fucking idea of what he is doing.

. . . He is like a bloated bullfrog who only knows how to make noise.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
If you can't make your point using truth and facts,
just insult and call names - maybe someone will believe you know what you're talking about...

but probably not.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
The Truth is self-evident to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Rush Limbaugh is an obese hate-monger.

My frank opinion is that anyone who regularly listens to his bullshit program is an imbecile.

. . . I am not certain why someone who shovels raw sewage the way he does manages to stay on the air, but I suppose it's only because there are many idiots out there who eat that shit up like grits with gravy!

If you can't make your point using truth and facts,
just insult and call names - maybe someone will believe you know what you're talking about...

but probably not.

Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
obese hate-monger, bullshit program, anyone who listens is an imbecile.

I rest my case.

For someone who does not know what he is doing, he has sure been on the air as a top rated program for a long time.

Saying Rush is not a successful Broadcaster is like saying Exxon is not a successful Oil Company.
cucharabill's Avatar
The Truth is self-evident to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Yes, and we can. So maybe it's time you open both of yours.
cucharabill's Avatar

Rush Limbaugh is an obese hate-monger.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
This remark is always made by someone who doesn't and never would listen to the show, but claims they know what he discusses on his show.

And they're also under the impression he's as big as he used to be, which also is a misconception. He's stocky, but not obese.
cucharabill's Avatar

My frank opinion is that anyone who regularly listens to his bullshit program is an imbecile.

. . . I am not certain why someone who shovels raw sewage the way he does manages to stay on the air, but I suppose it's only because there are many idiots out there who eat that shit up like grits with gravy! Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You can not give any examples of any topic he's discussed that fall into your category of 'raw sewage' that would make any sense or have any truth to it at all.