Republican Medicare.... Well sort of. :)

LovingKayla's Avatar

I like how they owned it up front that the original idea was taken from Kerry.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If this doesn't show congressional hypocrisy, I'm not sure what will.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its gonna put Kerry in a hot seat to have to support his earlier plan in a now-republican bill.

According to Paul, credit for the idea goes to a prominent Democratic senator -- and the Kentucky Republican is curious if that senator will now come alongside and endorse the CHCSA.

"I'd like to thank John Kerry for letting us borrow the idea. This was part of his campaign platform in 2004, to put folks into the congressional health care plan," stated Paul. "We have sent him the specifics of this plan. We have sent and talked to ... many Democrats about this plan. We would love for you to ask Senator Kerry if he's going to support his own plan."
Heh, talk about sticking it up his ass!
I would like to read the bill if they ever put it out online. Very curious to see what all is in it and if it is what they say it is.
And as soon a Obama comes out in support of will immediately be a. Socialist state funded idea...and be withdrawn...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I would like to read the bill if they ever put it out online. Very curious to see what all is in it and if it is what they say it is. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Executive summary is the best I can find
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-31-2012, 02:04 PM
I would like to read the bill if they ever put it out online. Very curious to see what all is in it and if it is what they say it is. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
oglfp12's Avatar
My father was a retired civil servant. Since I handled all his affairs for the last five years of his life, I am very familiar with the FEHBP. He had Blue Cross Blue Shield Standard option (as a Medicare secondary payer,) and it was absolutely first rate medical insurance. It was pretty expensive, though. My dad has been gone long enough that I don't have any records, but my memory is that he paid about $350 per month. According to the summary, Rand Paul's plan is to increase costs to current government employees and subsidize the cost for seniors. I think current government employees will scream about that.

Bottom line: In my opinion, this is a good plan.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-31-2012, 02:50 PM
My father was a retired civil servant. Since I handled all his affairs for the last five years of his life, I am very familiar with the FEHBP. He had Blue Cross Blue Shield Standard option (as a Medicare secondary payer,) and it was absolutely first rate medical insurance. It was pretty expensive, though. My dad has been gone long enough that I don't have any records, but my memory is that he paid about $350 per month. According to the summary, Rand Paul's plan is to increase costs to current government employees and subsidize the cost for seniors. I think current government employees will scream about that.

Bottom line: In my opinion, this is a good plan. Originally Posted by oglfp12

taxpayers contribute to various government sectors

government employees are paid by those sectors

Paul wants to dock government employees to subsidize seniors

Paul is making government employees pay for others healthcare at the expanse of taxpayers

government employees/seniors cross state lines


the proposal is unconstitutional, and Paul is a socialist sob.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and yet Obamacare was not, right CJ?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-31-2012, 02:58 PM
and yet Obamacare was not, right CJ? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I never could determine either way
Teapublican Medicare is an Oxymoron.

They want to prop up their corporate donors with privatization. There are way too many examples of crony-privatization.

Cheney propped up Halliburton for massive profits in Iraq when just 10 years before he had said invasion of Baghdad would be a "quagmire".

Issa wants to do the same to the Postal Service. He intends to undermine the long-term solvency by continuing to require the Postal Service FUND 75 years of pensions in just 10 years.

Not a single private corporation would be solvent with that 10-year requirement.

Plus, they have made the Postal Service continue to service rural and sparsely-populated areas with letter delivery while allowing DHL, Fed-Ex and UPS to "cherry-pick" the lucrative overnight, high profit market without requiring them to perform the less profitable services.

Oh, and UPS is one of the driving forces behind paying full-time pilots as little as $19,000 per year like the small commuter airline spin-offs of the major carriers. Personally, I don't want my pilot having to work another job to make ends meet. I don't want him sleepy and I want his full attention when he is piloting my flight!

Yeah, the "free market" gurus like Romney are really making life better for ordinary Americans!

Wow....finally some people bringing game to offset the teapary/rebumplican onslaught!!!
Yeah, Raa1965! The trouble is, they are so used to listening to AM Hate Radio and watching Fox "News" that they can't evaluate what is really happening to the country and to their incomes.

One guy even says he is waiting to join P411 until he has a Republican President so he can get a better job. Oh, the stupidity.

Should we break the news to him now or let him experience the slow death of a faster-decaying economy caused by cutting everything but military spending and tax breaks for mega-corporations?