State Law Enforcement Division agents have arrested a man they say transferred 228,435 confidential state Medicaid records to his personal email account.

Christopher Lykes, 36, of Swansea is charged with five counts of medically indigent act confidentiality violation and one count of disclosure of confidential information.

According to SLED, at least one other party received this data from Lykes. It has not been made public yet who this third party was.

Enquiring minds want to know.....

Lykes served on the executive committee of the Lexington County Democratic Party !

Yikes !
Same reason a republican would steal them or a independent or libertarian for profit.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh comrade, no! It is for the greater good of the party!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But did an independent or Libertarian do such a thing. If you have evidence, please provide.
I B Hankering's Avatar
But did an independent or Libertarian do such a thing. If you have evidence, please provide. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If Ekim the Inbred actually cites a source (which he almost never does), do check it out. Often he doesn't realize the source he cites supports a position contrary to the one he is arguing.
If Ekim the Inbred actually cites a source (which he almost never does), do check it out. Often he doesn't realize the source he cites supports a position contrary to the one he is arguing. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Who yanked your chain dumb ass??? You apparently can't read didn't read or could not grasp what I said.However that doesn't surprise me your total lack of concept is staggering.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Who yanked your chain dumb ass??? You apparently can't read didn't read or could not grasp what I said.However that doesn't surprise me your total lack of concept is staggering. Originally Posted by ekim008
Does the name 'Rothschild' ring a bell?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Most of the thieves I have met are Democrats will look straight at the camera when they are doing their thieving.

Like I said comrade, it is for the party.
Most of the thieves I have met are Democrats will look straight at the camera when they are doing their thieving.

Like I said comrade, it is for the party. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

remember Tricky Dick?
[quote=I B Hankering;2456562]Does the name 'Rothschild' ring a bell?

Guess DUMB ASS rang one AH Don't bump old threads you got my last word on that one live with it.Retard
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh he didnt do no breaking in he just had someone do it for him. Not a real honorable guy. I dont think he was a libertarian was he.

Yep they were easy to identify, easy to catch, and easy to convict.
They really were not very smart. Like I said they were democrats.
remember Tricky Dick? Originally Posted by ekim008
I do not understand these Independents.....IJS
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
remember Tricky Dick? Originally Posted by ekim008
that one's different. He didn't do it for his party.
Two Dogs seemed to indicate only a Democrat can look you in the eye and lie.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nope but if a democrat is speaking you can bet they are lying about something.
Best to keep your hand on your wallet and your money clip too.