Debt Collectors hitting up patients in Hospitals (violation of HIPPA)

Yea this is about as low and as scummy as you can get..apparently MSNBC said that the debt collectors on the front end and back of the whole hospital deal are sharing patient information which is a violation of the HIPPA laws just so they can find you and show up at your bedside while your recovering..or show up right before your wheeled in for surgery etc.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are right on this one. SexyEx. Debt collectors are sick bastards.
Yea this is just really bad.. can you imagine coming out of a surgery when your half out of it on medications and they are at your bedside hounding and threatening you trying to get you to pay up? People cannot make decisions while under the influence of pain meds.. so this is really disturbing. Not to mention that the hospital and the staff violate the HIPPA laws by giving any information to these debts collectors about you. They can't tell them anything related to your visit or when your surgery is etc.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 10:35 AM
Yea this is about as low and as scummy as you can get..apparently MSNBC said that the debt collectors on the front end and back of the whole hospital deal are sharing patient information which is a violation of the HIPPA laws just so they can find you and show up at your bedside while your recovering..or show up right before your wheeled in for surgery etc. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
thats easy enough ..

Ok pal, I'll get with you on my payments as soon as I get out of this place .. I promise.

KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 04-26-2012, 10:39 AM
Saw an article last night on tv where debt collector went after the wrong person and called her all kinds of crude names. She sued, they didn't show up in court and the judge awarded her $10m. Now all she has to do is find them to collect her debt.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 10:45 AM
Saw an article last night on tv where debt collector went after the wrong person and called her all kinds of crude names. She sued, they didn't show up in court and the judge awarded her $10m. Now all she has to do is find them to collect her debt. Originally Posted by KCJoe

irony at its best .. lol

with 10M in the bank she can hire Guido and Vinny to knock on some doors ... or knees.
Saw an article last night on tv where debt collector went after the wrong person and called her all kinds of crude names. She sued, they didn't show up in court and the judge awarded her $10m. Now all she has to do is find them to collect her debt. Originally Posted by KCJoe

Lawls.. well I am sure she knows who the company is.. but that is funny.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If they are violating the law they shold be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Primary reason I do not want the government involved in my healthcare, medical records, acce3ss to my bank accounts, cotrol over how, when and where I get my treatment.

Just wait till Obamacre is in full swing and while you are in the hospital and if you owe money the IRS can take it from your account. Just think of all the bad check and overdraft fees you will have to pay while you are in the hospital waiting on government approval of your emergency procedure.
At least they wont be in your room asking you to pay up, they will just take it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 11:08 AM
If they are violating the law they shold be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Primary reason I do not want the government involved in my healthcare, medical records, acce3ss to my bank accounts, cotrol over how, when and where I get my treatment.

Just wait till Obamacre is in full swing and while you are in the hospital and if you owe money the IRS can take it from your account. Just think of all the bad check and overdraft fees you will have to pay while you are in the hospital waiting on government approval of your emergency procedure.
At least they wont be in your room asking you to pay up, they will just take it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

ladies and gentlemen please turn your republican talking points booklets to pages 3,4,&5 and pick up where whirlie left off.


Missy Mariposa's Avatar
HIPPA violations are a dime a dozen. I see at least 3 every time I go to a doctors office. No one cares.

Just wait till Obamacre is in full swing and while you are in the hospital and if you owe money the IRS can take it from your account.
I don't think you understand what national healthcare is, assuming that's what you're trying to talk about. You wouldn't ever owe a hospital money. Shocking concept right? When I lived in Canada, all I had to pay was $60/month and any medication costs (but my school provided an RX plan and drugs are 1/2 price up there anyway). No copays, deductibles, or any of the other drama you have to deal with to see a doctor here. I'm actually pretty sure we are the last civilised nation who charges people three grand just to be seen in an ER heh.
All kinds of phone callers are getting ruder all the time.A friend got a call at his business yesterday he was polite to the person,and finally told him he could not do business with him as he had someone else that provided the service. So he was told "fuck your mother" and the dude hung up.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
CJ why don't you read the bill since it has been passed without the discussion that was not warranted for such a momentous piece of legislation.
these are not talking points which seem to be what you defer to when you have no factual retort.
Read the bill, all 2700 pages and get you a couple of lawyers to explain it to you.
Are these Libertarian talking points too?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-26-2012, 02:03 PM
The government has no place telling debt collectors how to run their business.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 02:45 PM
CJ why don't you read the bill since it has been passed without the discussion that was not warranted for such a momentous piece of legislation

yet another talking point ..

it happens all the time, "momentous" or not ... deal with it
The Attorney General of Minnesota slammed debt collection company Accretive Health for tricking people seeking medical care into believing that they couldn’t be treated unless they paid up. “It goes to great length to conceal its activities, going so far as to ‘infuse’ employees into hospitals,” the AG charges in a complaint filed in January, which contends that Accretive violated both debt collection and medical privacy laws.

That right there is illegal.. especially if you are at the hospital or ER for something life threatening.