Mr. Cool, Do You Want Your Kids Moving Back In?

Yeh, I know it's by Karl Rove's Super Pac, but how much is true?

To heck with loosing the youth vote. If I was a parent, and knew this Presidents policies were the reason my grown kids had to move back in with me, (the horror), I would damned sure cast my vote in another direction.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You know in most socialist and communist countries it is expected that you will live together for many years unless they are taken away to "training" camps.
Here is another point. Every time some industry, such as "big oil", makes "obscene profits", the Federal Government wants to get some of it back in the way of penalties.

These large Universities keep upping the cost of a Degree every semester, forcing students to rack up huge debt in tuition loans.

But then they can't get a job with this "expensive degree". Why isn't the Federal Government investigating why the cost keeps going up, but the product keeps getting worse. It would seem that Academia needs to be held accountable for producing a product that is overpriced and does not work as it should.

Make these large Universities pay back some of the loans that produced worthless degrees. Make then accountable, just like we do any other profession that bilks the public, and sells a "faulty" product.
I don't trust anything that the lying sack of shit Karl Rove has to say.. nor do I trust anyone who has ties to people like the Koch brothers and others who go out of their way to make crap up in the media.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're right about Rove, but for every Koch brother there is an equally repulsive and opposite George Soros.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-27-2012, 04:08 PM
Yeh, I know it's by Karl Rove's Super Pac, but how much is true? Originally Posted by Jackie S
How do you know Karl Rove is lyeing? Whenever his lips are moving.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Karl Rove is the ventriloquist dummy for the Democrats.

The rising cost of a college education is just another sign of inflation.

Oh wait it is China that is driving up the cost of college, I know because I learned that from CJ7, the answer to rising costs is always China. Oh wait maybe it is that China is just a way of saying communists and communist is just another way of saying the Democrats.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The cost of china is going up. I just priced some Corelware for my wife. Out of sight!