Less Government Republicans

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  • CJ7
  • 04-27-2012, 12:28 PM
just log on to your puter and say hello to big brother ..


wonder how many of them read the bill word for word, start to finish in one night?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Republicans are not for less government. They are for more power. More control. Neither party cares about the people or liberty. A pox on both their houses.
Republicans are not for less government. They are for more power. More control. Neither party cares about the people or liberty. A pox on both their houses. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG....you forgot more money....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-27-2012, 12:40 PM
i'll give them some props ... they moved up a class or two

from phone taps to internet spies ...

watching them self destruct is now an official SPORT ...
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  • CJ7
  • 04-27-2012, 01:02 PM
wonder how many of them read the bill word for word, start to finish in one night?

Yea I posted here about this.. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=436184

I often wonder if this isn't a combination of these "old fuddy duddy" congressmen and senators who do not fully understand the internet and are stuck behind the times in technology. I mean honestly it is the digital age that has put banks and other businesses almost to the brink of destruction. Most scrambled to catch up with all this fast moving technology and some are still dragging their heels. It seems most who are of a certain age in congress as well as some of their constituents are afraid of all this technology and would rather hamper it or undermine. I mean not only do they get to gather untold amounts of personal data on all of us through the internet and internet services but they may succeed in killing businesses dependent on the internet if they can get this to pass. Just think how many Americans will probably use the internet a lot less or start avoiding the internet for fear of what they are trying to do.

I am going to keep my fingers crossed that Obama vetos it if it does make its way to his desk.
wonder how many of them read the bill word for word, start to finish in one night?

anybody? Originally Posted by CJ7
Of course they didn't.. they just caught a few highlights from their freshman aids and proceeded on course without much more of a mere thought.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-27-2012, 01:53 PM
Yea I posted here about this.. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=436184

I often wonder if this isn't a combination of these "old fuddy duddy" congressmen and senators who do not fully understand the internet and are stuck behind the times in technology. I mean honestly it is the digital age that has put banks and other businesses almost to the brink of destruction. Most scrambled to catch up with all this fast moving technology and some are still dragging their heels. It seems most who are of a certain age in congress as well as some of their constituents are afraid of all this technology and would rather hamper it or undermine. I mean not only do they get to gather untold amounts of personal data on all of us through the internet and internet services but they may succeed in killing businesses dependent on the internet if they can get this to pass. Just think how many Americans will probably use the internet a lot less or start avoiding the internet for fear of what they are trying to do.

I am going to keep my fingers crossed that Obama vetos it if it does make its way to his desk. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1

ooooopsie ... my bad, didnt see it.

I hope the republicans enjoyed their stay in the House while it lasted.

ooooopsie ... my bad, didnt see it.

I hope the republicans enjoyed their stay in the House while it lasted.

Originally Posted by CJ7
I know right...they are making the dems job easier..lol

They just keep pissing off huge groups of people dont they?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-27-2012, 02:01 PM
I know right...they are making the dems job easier..lol

They just keep pissing off huge groups of people dont they? Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1

just the entire country ... no big deal.

on the brighter side, oblivion suits them well
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
wonder how many of them read the bill word for word, start to finish in one night?

anybody? Originally Posted by CJ7
They are probably just following Nancy Pelosi's advice to pass the law so they can find out what's in it. It was bad when the Dems do it, it's bad when the Reps do it.

And let's not forget that Candidate Obama in 2008 promised to have every bill posted on the internet for 3 days before a vote so we could ALL read it. He lied about that, too.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-27-2012, 02:10 PM
They are probably just following Nancy Pelosi's advice to pass the law so they can find out what's in it. It was bad when the Dems do it, it's bad when the Reps do it.

And let's not forget that Candidate Obama in 2008 promised to have every bill posted on the internet for 3 days before a vote so we could ALL read it. He lied about that, too.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

the house republicans just made that possible... like it or not
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They are equally as bad on many things some things worse than others.
I noticed that when they had both the house and the senate that they did not repeal the patriot act and in fact Obama wanted more power with it.
Ronald Reagan started the war on drugs and along with it the seizure of property without due process. Limitations on how much money you can deposit or withdraw in cash without the government being notifeid. I can go on and on and then start on what the Dems have done.

\The problem isnt the parties but government in an of itself. Our government is too big and the bigger it gets the more it has to control the people in order to maintain its size and in most cases continue to grow. Read that as take your money and spend it however they like.

You want less control over the individual vote for less government and those that would reduce the size and reach of the government.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
the house republicans just made that possible... like it or not Originally Posted by CJ7
The House Republicans made what possible, CBJ7? No House Republican supported Obamacare, and it passed the House anyway.

And I don't remember the Republicans getting in the way of Obama posting bills on the internet, so what are you talking about. (I ask, as if you know.)
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  • CJ7
  • 04-27-2012, 02:30 PM
The House Republicans made what possible, CBJ7? No House Republican supported Obamacare, and it passed the House anyway.

And I don't remember the Republicans getting in the way of Obama posting bills on the internet, so what are you talking about. (I ask, as if you know.) Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
the sarcasim escaped you, TOTALLY .. my fault.