Is This The Type of Person You Really Want as President?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When the time came for young Barack Obama to choose the right thing, he instead chose the wrong thing, shoving and hurting a little girl who had no friends. I personally think this is worse than one rich kid cutting the hair off another rich kid. But the Obamaniacs will make excuse after excuse, then finally blame Obama's playground cruelty on Bush, and then congratulate each other on how smart they are.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
The Democrats fail again to look in their own house before throwing down and attempting to make an issue of something that is not.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Breitbart? Breitbart?!? Bwahahahahahaha - you can find his work in the fictrion aisle at your local bookstore.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So it isn't true, RaggedyAndy? I think it came from one of the books Bill Ayers wrote for Obama, but you're saying it isn't true?

Oh, and I looked for the "fictrion" aisle at B&N, and couldn't find it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Randy4Andy is the all time master of 'fictrion' on ECCIE -- and free of charge.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Of course Bush had nothing to do with this as anyone knows so let's dispense with that foolish derision now and have an adult discussion.

I remember reading that passage in President's Obama's book and thinking how mortified the poor girl must have felt in front of all those kids.

I think President Obama wrote about that about that incident in his life to convey the stupidity of youth and how badly he felt about it later on when he developed enough wisdom to realize the error of his ways.

I did some idiotic things in my own youth which at the time seemed cool, but that I now regret, but must still forgive.

I know that some and perhaps most people prefer to simply ignore their past and pretend those stupid things did not happen in vain hope that they just fade away.

. . . Anyone who says he did not do any stupid things in his youth is still not willing to face his own demons.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then, FastGoon, you aren't going to condemn Romney for that incident when he was in high school?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-11-2012, 08:13 AM
Obama wrote about his trangression, Mitt denied his.

I will defend neither action. They were both wrong.
Then, FastGoon, you aren't going to condemn Romney for that incident when he was in high school? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree with an earlier post. Don't hold me accountable 40+ years later for things I did (or did not do) as an adolescent while in high school.

There will be no condemnation from me!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Except the story about Romney turned out to be a lie. Figures.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Obama wrote about his trangression, Mitt denied his.

I will defend neither action. They were both wrong. Originally Posted by WTF
It's the denial that I would be concerned about.

Children are cruel as are adults. But children are MEAN to others. It shows a recognition of self to be able to admit that he did something really horrible to that little girl, and showed a sense of regret.

Just my thoughts on it.

How are you doing, WTF???

joe bloe's Avatar
Except the story about Romney turned out to be a lie. Figures. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Republicans are held to higher standard. They have to apologize for things they never did. Democrats are not held to any standard at all. Main stream media covers up all sorts of dirt on Obama that would be career ending for a Republican. When the MSM can't find any dirt on Romney, they make it up.

With this kind of outrageous media bias, it's a wonder that the Republicans ever win. If the bias was in the reverse, the Democrats would be finished.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It turns out the reason he can't remember it is that IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!

Thanks to Joe Bloe for the link.
joe bloe's Avatar
It turns out the reason he can't remember it is that IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!

Thanks to Joe Bloe for the link. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think the story is bogus. It does bother me that Romney doesn't deny it categorically. It sounds Clintonian to me. It sounds like parsing.

I think Glenn Beck is doing a great job in covering stories the MSM is covering up, even Fox News. I'm afraid his credibility has been damaged by his, emotional sometimes bizarre, behavior. His reputation for on air weeping makes it easy for leftists to portray him as crazy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I remember reading that passage in President's Obama's book and thinking how mortified the poor girl must have felt in front of all those kids.

I think President Obama wrote about that about that incident in his life to convey the stupidity of youth and how badly he felt about it later on when he developed enough wisdom to realize the error of his ways.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
. . . but he never apologized to the girl!?!