Most Important Election.

I do not know how you all feel. I feel like this is the most important election in my lifetime. I get frustrated with the people right or left that have no clue. They think they do but they don't. They have never discussed the issues like we have. All I'm saying is most people are dumbass's. At least we have a clue, either way.....
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's important.
Who ever said politics was anything about intelligence, analysis, facts, or principles?

I've just read a blog by a very eminent mathematician, statistician, Professor at Colombia, and it's unbelievable the rubbish he has talked about Paterno. So if somebody who is meant to be very intelligent talks garbage, what hope for most of the population?

The thing about commonsense is that it is not very common.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
Romney is the 1%ers choice. A vulture capitalist. Putting him in the White House is putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In the long run, this election really doesn't matter. We are trending toward a police state at lightning speed. Romney may slow the pace, but he won't change the direction. Still, I'd rather have Romney at this point, because I think giving Obama any more power is insane. But they're all insane. Mad with power and control.
Well your opinions are informed. Most people voting are idiots. It is frustrating to talk to them about politics.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Check out the rogue, they don't have anything to contribute. They can call names which is what they are good at. They never have anything facts to repute anything. You know what the worst thing is? They think they are insightful, learned, and correct.

Reminds of the gang of kids in school. They laughed at all the same stuff even if it wasn't funny but they laughed. Anything to make themselves feel powerful. I have always said that the left would have elected Hitler if they thought they could win an election because he was a charismatic speaker. Winning is the only thing for them.

They tend to be hypocritical. They will attack the rich and then snuggle up next to them for support. They attack the so-called "1%" but have some many of the 1% in their midst; Zuckerberg, Gates, Jobs, Buffet, etc.

They talk about freedom but will support legislation that denies freedom. They talk about haters (a made up word) but they hate with righteous freedom. They are insane.
Check out the rogue, they don't have anything to contribute. They can call names which is what they are good at. They never have anything facts to repute anything. You know what the worst thing is? They think they are insightful, learned, and correct.

Reminds of the gang of kids in school. They laughed at all the same stuff even if it wasn't funny but they laughed. Anything to make themselves feel powerful. I have always said that the left would have elected Hitler if they thought they could win an election because he was a charismatic speaker. Winning is the only thing for them.

They tend to be hypocritical. They will attack the rich and then snuggle up next to them for support. They attack the so-called "1%" but have some many of the 1% in their midst; Zuckerberg, Gates, Jobs, Buffet, etc.

They talk about freedom but will support legislation that denies freedom. They talk about haters (a made up word) but they hate with righteous freedom. They are insane. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I agree. I talk to righties and they are clueless. Just like the lefties. Not all just most. We are some stupid MOFO's......
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The reason many of us are clueless is because the government wants us clueless. God help the government if the people were able to think. Seriously, who would put up with the ridiculous things they do if people were capable of thought?

But we listen to the media, who tell us who can or can't be elected, and we believe it. Why? Because it's what we're told. And that's only if we listen to the media that talks about these things. Most of us are watching the Kardashians or Jersey Shore, or American Idol or other such crap. Where is there anything in the MSM that asks us to think? The solution is always there, provided. Even in the news and opinion shows, there are people telling us what we should think. Never encouraging us TO think.

It will take generations to reverse this, that is, if we even want to try. Which I doubt. As long as the government doesn't interfere with television or sports, the population will tolerate almost anything.

Let's face it. It's pretty well over.
Excellent topic! I have followed elections very closely since my teenage years and I can not recall a single Presidential election that was not labeled by a "prominent someone" as being "the most important election of our lifetime." This one is no different!

I personally believe the 1968 election proved to be the most important of my lifetime but that one had the added dimensions of a 4 year period (1964-1968) in which the following occurred:

1) The rising death toll from an increasingly unpopular war.
2) Extreme racial unrest, especially in the Deep South.
3) The assassianation of Bobby Kennedy on the night of the California Democratic Primary.
4) The riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
5) A major third party candidate emerged from the Deep South.

Any one of the above 5 factors alone would have made the 1968 Presidential election very interesting. Combined, they made it an historic election. Indeed, the 1960's was a turbulent and transitional decade in our nations history.

I do not personally believe this election rises to the 1968 level but there is little doubt this is a very important election. Then again, they all are!
As I said before choosing who to vote this election for is like selecting which caliber of gun to shoot yourself with.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
1968 was important as are all elections but it was a deciding election. Of course look at the choices; Humbert Humphrey or Richard Nixon. Lets go back a little further since I pay attention to primaries; Ronald Reagan (yes, the very one) lost the primary elections even though he won the popular nation wide vote. He won only California. The democrats brought us Eugene McCarthy, Robert Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson. Johnson withdrew from the nomination and his support fell to Hubert Humphrey. After the death of RFK Humphrey took the nomination.
Two conventions; Miami and Chicago. Both had high drama, both had protests, but only one had official goons wreaking violence on the protestors and that was Mayor Daley's democratic Chicago.

Today the country is hanging on the edge of the abyss and I don't think I'm exaggerating. Our debt is so large that we have come to the point that we have to do something. The choices are to continue as we have been (the democratic position) and owe China and be owned by China. Or we can stop the bleeding and become the country that we used to be and have the freedom of action that we need.

Domestically we are being stifled by overregulation which is costing us jobs and opportunities. Imagine any other time in our history with present day regulations. Henry Ford would still be filing environmental impact paperwork. Bill Gates would be bogged down with HR paperwork. The inventor of the cell phone would be facing a class action law suit.

We have to have some real fundemental "change" in DC. Lifetime government workers need to realize that it is our money and not their money. Is Romney the guy? I would rather have had Herman Cain. I want someone who is not a career poltician, somone with a background in real business, and a populist. I would like to see a long line of former government employees "fired" without benefits for their stupid, irresponsible, criminal actions.

This will only happen if we pay attention to DC everyday and not just election day. You may sneer but that is the Tea Party. The Tea Party has very little interest in who you sleep with or where you get your birth control. The Tea Party cares about fiscal discipline and responsiveness to the people. Those who oppose these two little things have tried to paint the Tea Party as something else and many of you have taken the bait because you have been trained like a puppy to crap in one corner when you hear the democratic master's voice.
Well electing a rich man won't help he isn't going to pay off the debt.LOL the tea party is a bunch of old farts on medicare and SS hollering for the government to get out of their lives.
Well electing a rich man won't help he isn't going to pay off the debt.LOL the tea party is a bunch of old farts on medicare and SS hollering for the government to get out of their lives. Originally Posted by ekim008
That is a pretty damn accurate description. Since I will soon be registering for Medicare, I wonder if I will become one of those dumb-assed Tea Baggers!

Not to worry, I am much smarter than that!
joe bloe's Avatar
Excellent topic! I have followed elections very closely since my teenage years and I can not recall a single Presidential election that was not labeled by a "prominent someone" as being "the most important election of our lifetime." This one is no different!

I personally believe the 1968 election proved to be the most important of my lifetime but that one had the added dimensions of a 4 year period (1964-1968) in which the following occurred:

1) The rising death toll from an increasingly unpopular war.
2) Extreme racial unrest, especially in the Deep South.
3) The assassianation of Bobby Kennedy on the night of the California Democratic Primary.
4) The riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
5) A major third party candidate emerged from the Deep South.

Any one of the above 5 factors alone would have made the 1968 Presidential election very interesting. Combined, they made it an historic election. Indeed, the 1960's was a turbulent and transitional decade in our nations history.

I do not personally believe this election rises to the 1968 level but there is little doubt this is a very important election. Then again, they all are! Originally Posted by bigtex
The best part of the 1968 election was Nixon beating Humphrey.
Then four years later, Nixon humiliated McGovern by winning 49 out of 50 states.

I think this election is truly historic, possibly the most important in the history of the country. If Obama is re-elected, we will not be able to repair the damage he will do to this country.