P411, RS2K, or Datecheck

Bigh1955's Avatar
There's a thread on the national boards about this, but from the posts it seems everyone's personal favorite is regionally driven. Here in NE it seems P411 is the favorite with Datecheck a distant second. RS2K doesn't even make it onto the radar. What's the situation in Iowa...and for ladies who tour, what's your experience with these services elsewhere? Does a guy need all three?
livn2do's Avatar
I'm only on P411
Not much from P411 for me. Its just not known here like in Texas, and I try to refer my guys to P411.

I do alright with eccie. Works for me. The guys here are pretty good about coughing up refs. Traveling ladies know this is not the big ole city and some sites are just not used as often as some.

I just want some references.
RS2K is pretty worthless outside of Chicago, IMO. The majority of my new friends in Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana come from P411. I don't mind Date-Check, but I think P411 is a lot more user friendly.

You definitely don't need all three.
vegasbaby7's Avatar
P411 & DC for me. If I had to pick just one it would be P411 but nice to have both sometimes.