why do you post?

CoG asked me why I post. I answered and said it is nothing, this is just a SHMB.

But why do you post?

I admit, I understand that my posts are very unlikely to change anybody's opinions, but I started posting in this forum because of the very dangerous nonsense being talked about AIDS.

I have since posted because of the dangerous nonsense talked about almost everything.

I do not post for the purpose of debate. I post because other posts, if unanswered, are a sore and an abomination and need some response.

I post for the viewers, not the irredeemable posters.

What about you?

ps. most debates go between extremes, when of course the reality is somewhere else in the spectrum. For example, we have a dabate on sharia:

position 1 - we need all aspects of sharia law to be part of US law

position 2 - all muslims should be deported and any law not written in the constitution should be outlawed.

Both positions are ridiculous ( but proposed by forum participants), so a reasonable debate become impossible.

For example, who wants to debate 'what aspects of sharia law are appropriate, given the wide and diverse usage of various community arbitration processes'

or 'how do community arbitration processes become part of a judicial process'.

No. Ya'll continue to argue extremist positions, totally misrepresenting reality and the complexities of culture.

ps. I am very aware, from personal experience, how arbitration processes have a legal backstop. Ever had a conflict with a neighbour or asked a surveyor to arbitrate?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nice try to sound reasonable, but those were not the positions taken on Sharia. You made that up to make your position look better. Then you complain about misrepresenting reality and complexities of culture. Boy, are you smart!

I post here for one reason, I have fun. Plain and simple. This stuff makes me laugh.
Nice try to sound reasonable, but those were not the positions taken on Sharia. You made that up to make your position look better. Then you complain about misrepresenting reality and complexities of culture. Boy, are you smart!

I post here for one reason, I have fun. Plain and simple. This stuff makes me laugh. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Please explain. I am sure i will have a response which shows me in delectable light.

Didn't I say - maybe not - I post her for fun mainly, I sometimes get bored and want to antagonise somebody.

Plus - have you read the book 'Quiet'.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Have you read "Go the Fuck to Sleep"?
Have you read "Go the Fuck to Sleep"? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, but I've put the kettle on, put the cups on the washer, and in a moment will have a nice cup of coffee which will remove any desire to fuck or sleep.