Jobs, salaries, and lives; the democratic war on women

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Planned Parenthood suggesting that woman abort a female child until she could concieve a male child. To paraphrase Larry the Cable Guy, "what is this, China?".

Most of the jobs lost during this recession have been female. The White House (and Senate dems) also pay women less than the men working for the offices.

So who is really attacking women or keeping them in their place?
Planned Parenthood was caught counseling woman to abort in sex selection pregnancies - targeting the destruction of unwanted girls in favor of boys !

How much lower will the left get ????
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just when I think the left can't get any lower, this stuff happens. Don't make it a challenge for them, WW, they will meet it every time.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-29-2012, 05:46 PM
Planned Parenthood suggesting that woman abort a female child until she could concieve a male child. To paraphrase Larry the Cable Guy, "what is this, China?". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What a disgustingly distorted interpretation of the video.

A girl walks in and says that she wants to abort the fetus if it's a girl. The counselor simply discusses the logistics with her of what she needs to do if, in fact, she wants to abort the fetus should it turn out to be a girl.

The counselor didn't try to talk the girl into anything, and she didn't try to talk the girl out of anything. The girl expressed the choice, and the counselor simply respected that.

If the girl came in and said she wanted to abort the fetus if it was a boy, the conversation would have been exactly the same.

I'd strongly recommend that anyone who truly gives a shit, watch the video and decide for yourself.

Just when I think the left can't get any lower, this stuff happens. Don't make it a challenge for them, WW, they will meet it every time. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
All kidding aside, COG, if you truly believe that based on that video, then you're nothing more than a fucking punk. You and JD both.

People like you and him truly make me hope there is a God.
joe bloe's Avatar
Planned Parenthood is in the abortion business. I don't think they care about the gender of the victim; it pays the same. I bet they'd offer a volume discount for frequent aborters if they thought it would generate more business. Nine abortions and the tenth one's free. Or maybe a discount on Margaret Sanger's birthday.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Aww, Doofe. You actually care. How sweet!

May God be with you, as well.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Respected her opinion??? If someone told you that they were going to kill the cheating woman who made you look like a fool (probably a common occurence for you) would you "respect their opinion" or would tell them that they are doing something despicable. Never mind, I know how you would answer.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-30-2012, 04:14 AM
Respected her opinion??? If someone told you that they were going to kill the cheating woman who made you look like a fool (probably a common occurence for you) would you "respect their opinion" or would tell them that they are doing something despicable. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Possibly the dumbest analogy ever used on ECCIE.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If I am looking for dumb, I just search for Doofus.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Any anology has to be a step back from the reality of wanting to kill your own child. This worker was advising on how to break the law and do something (late term abortion) that 80% of the country finds reprehensible.
Doofus doesn't get it; unbelieveably Planned Parenthood did.

They fired the "counselor's" ass.