Question about Danny's in Jackson

I called them earlier and asked how much cover was. I was told it was $20.00 but all drinks were free?

I've never been to this club. Is this normal for them or is there something special going on? Did they lose their liquor license or something?

It is a special they run certain nights, can't remember which. So it not anything new or out of the ordinary.
That is the standard deal that they run every Saturday night. I am not sure if they run it during the week or not. If you don't want the higher cover charge but are willing to pay for your drinks, then you should go on Friday night instead.
So, normally, is $20 about 4 beers and 3 mixed drinks if I pay for them? If not, how many drinks will $20 buy on a "regular" night?

In other words, how many drinks do I need to consume to get my $20 worth for cover if I go on a Saturday?

Is it for anything in the house? Is premium liquor and beer included or is it that "well drinks" crap?

Beer only