2004 News Article Refers To "Kenyan Born" Obama

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Are you going to tell us again that this is stupid and why do people keep bringing it up?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes. LOL! I just thought it was funny. No, I don't think he was born in Kenya.

It is not an issue. Yes, it's stupid to bring it up. I apologize. This article made me laugh, so I posted it before remembering I already said to STFU about it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think it is interesting that so many media outlets printed things like this and Obama never once tried to correct this impression (right or wrong) until he ran for president. Then he laughed at all the people who said they suspected that the articles were true and that included Hillary Clinton. I would say that Obama is the maker of this mess and loves it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't expect this to happen, but wouldn't it be funny if it turns out he really was born in Kenya?
I don't expect this to happen, but wouldn't it be funny if it turns out he really was born in Kenya? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Not any funnier than Marshy being born in Moscow!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I don't expect this to happen, but wouldn't it be funny if it turns out he really was born in Kenya? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It would mean that everything he signed into law as President would be null and void.

He loves the controversy. Why else would he post a layered PDF file instead of a jpeg of his birth certificate in his website?

The Libs use it so that they can call you a racists.

And the only person that scares him about it is Donald Trump.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is probably a book or a movie on the topic of "what if the president really isn't the president". Can you imagine the fallout if nothing he signed, nominated, or did was not legally binding? Would Biden be president since we vote for president and not vice president. All of his nominees would go back to what they were and anything they did would be moot. Any law would be negated that bears his signature. Could Hillary claim that the democratic party won the election and since she would be the only one left standing that she should be president?
I know that somone of you will overreact, that is what you do, but no one is saying this is true. Even if it was discovered to be true I think that most people in power would like it to just go away rather than try to figure out what happened and who should be punished.

Wait! Isn't the plot of the latest GI Joe movie what if the president really isn't the president? Maybe that's why they postponed its release until after the election.
politicians being politicians
joe bloe's Avatar
I don't expect this to happen, but wouldn't it be funny if it turns out he really was born in Kenya? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The whole question of whether Obama is constitutionally qualified to be president has been misstated from day one. The Democrats have wanted to make the only issue the question of whether or not Obama was American born. That was never the only issue.

The Constitution requires that the person be at least thirty five years old and be a "natural born" citizen in order to qualify to be president. There is a legitimate debate about what the term natural born citizen means. We do know that natural born is not just a requirement that the person be born on American soil. One interpretation is that both parents must be American citizens. The argument made for this interpretation is that the founding fathers had concerns about divided loyalites of potential presidents.

Obviously, by the standard of both parents being American citizens, Obama fails. Because Obama was born to a Kenyan father, he had dual citizenship at birth. Technically, Obama had citizenship in America, Kenya and the United Kingdom at birth, since Kenya was a colony of the UK until 1962.

When Obama's mother remarried to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen, Obama was legally adopted by his step father, which automatically made him an Indonesian citizen. Obama's last name was legally changed to Soetoro at that time; we do not know if he ever had it legally changed back to Obama. Citizenship was a requirement to attend public schools in Indonesia, which we know he did. We do not know if Obama ever renounced his Indonesian citizenship. At the age of twenty one, Obama also had to chose between Kenyan citizenship and citizenship in any other country, because Kenya does not allow dual citizenship past the age of twenty one. We do not know if Obama renounced his Kenyan citizenship, his American citizenship or his Indonesian citizenship at that time. Because of the way Obama has sealed his records, it's impossible to know whether he's a citizen, of America, Kenya, Indonesia or a dual citizen.

There are lots of real questions about Obama's natural born status that remain. Obama has chosen to deal with these questions by sealing records, stonewalling and mocking anyone that would dare suggest he might not be a natural born citizen.

Obama's background is so bizarre and the facts are so muddied and hidden that it's hard to know much of anything for certain about his origins. One thing is clear, Obama is not fit to be president. We've got to vote this guy out before he completely ruins the country.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-17-2012, 08:06 AM
. I would say that Obama is the maker of this mess and loves it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I would say that he loves his opponents to keep picking up a turd and thinking it is a Tootsie Roll and then being dumb enough to eat it.

Then you want others to eat it too! Here is an example!

There are lots of real questions about Obama's natural born status that remain. Obama has chosen to deal with these questions by sealing records, stonewalling and mocking anyone that would dare suggest he might not be a natural born citizen.

. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I would say that he loves his opponents to keep picking up a turd and thinking it is a Tootsie Roll and then being dumb enough to eat it. Originally Posted by WTF
Of all of the back and forth we have had on these pages, that is probably the most direct and to the point thought expressed on this topic.

Let's give WTF a hand!

Sometimes I wonder how the birthers are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time! But it is fun to read their posts!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We can't forget the visit Obama took to Pakistan when it was illegal for Americans to do so but not for an Indonesian. We also have some scant records that show Obama was trying to get special benefits at college by being a "foreign student". So many questions and the press (and WTF) are so intellectually lazy to ask the questions.

I haven't seen any so-called birthers on this thread yet. You know I don't like that term "birther". It implies the wrong thing. Joe Blow is right. It is not about where Obama was born. It is about a constitutional qualification. That is a very important thing but the left keeps wanting to diminish the concern and the Constitution with name calling.
joe bloe's Avatar
I think it is interesting that so many media outlets printed things like this and Obama never once tried to correct this impression (right or wrong) until he ran for president. Then he laughed at all the people who said they suspected that the articles were true and that included Hillary Clinton. I would say that Obama is the maker of this mess and loves it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Obama has the used the Alinsky tactic of ridiculing your opponent very effectively. Fear of embarrassment is powerful. Firefighters often find dead bodies of people who died in the process of putting on their clothes, instead of fleeing the fire naked. People will risk death to avoid embarrassment.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
“…you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.”
- Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-17-2012, 09:27 AM
We've got to vote this guy out before he completely ruins the country. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think delusional people like you are a bigger threat to this country than the Barack Obamas of the world.

The amount of time you and JD (and COG et al.) spend trying to dig up shit on this guy, combined with the amount of time you spend trying to convince other people your shit has merits.....

....it's impressive, i'll give ya that. Doesn't say much for you or your existence, but it's impressive.