Free Consultation - Web, SEO, Ads, Promotion - Barter!


Regular on a number of other forums. First time here.

I am a principal at a normal, B2C-focused digital marketing firm. We build websites, do Social Media and SEO, and help businesses promote locally through sites like Craigslist, Backpage, etc. I run these types of campaigns for literally dozens of clients every day.

And, I'm a hobbyist. :-)

So, why not put my two loves together?

I'm in the DC area and I'd be happy to help you get what you need to increase your business. And, I'm willing to barter.

And, if you're not in DC, I'm still willing to help out. I've got a TON of experience.. and I'm happy to get on the phone with you and sort out what you could be doing better to get that phone ringing more.

Anyway, PM me. I'm happy to discuss and send details about my main business...