A Review of Justin_Scott...written while sober

The Man: After having poured through every detail of his many excursions with the superior sex, I should feel jealous. However, knowing I have entered his lion's den and emerged with nary a scratch, I will share that my time spent with The Great Justin_Scott has me humbled and tickled pink at the same time. For I now know that he possesses the depth and profundity of The Great Mufasa, with the lustrous mane of a fully-matured and confident Simba. Such regality in his image can cloak what I have learned are his most endearing qualities: a borderline-OCD introspective nature, full of insanely-human self-doubt, balanced with the child-like joy of self-discovery. May he never change in these respects.

That being said, I wasn't his first great review, and I may not be his last. However, with his permission, it is my great honor and privilege to issue a first review of his legendary chronicles...

The Author: One can't stop reading his past works, which are based on his personal exploits with an equisitely unique harem of beautiful (and bountiful) ladies. As readers, we ebb and flow with his moods, his desires, and his every move, causing one to wonder where our own beliefs end and Justin_Scott's begin. Where JS takes his audience, all opposing voices quickly fade away as they buy into his fantasy world. In fact, one might argue that there is grounds for research and case studies into his occult-like following, which includes varied mindsets that would not normally be in agreement. He is the calculating salesman that delivers his pitch while nodding his head with a smile, eliciting an affirmative (and fully expected) response from his mark. When under Mr. Scott's literary spell, a hobbyist's brain is susceptible to accept any and all of his utterances as universal truths. If the great Justin_Scott paints it as fact, it may as well have been said by Oprah Winfrey herself to a crowd of self-help-crazed, stay-at-home-moms who are trying to embrace their inner spirit...

One thing is glaringly obvious here: Jeff Foxworthy needs to meet Justin_Scott. This critic envisions a beautiful collaboration which yields an ongoing Series of Grammy-Award-winning recordings entitled, "You Might Be A JS Fanatic If..." (...given a choice between a lifetime of freebies with your ATF or a copy of JS's uncensored personal journal, you'd immediately organize an ECCIE search party for your missing reading glasses...)

Speaking of...has anybody seen mine?

*squint squint*

Love it!! One thing for certain.. and a few things for sure.. Justin is one of my ATF. He is one of those that, as soon as he walks in the door, you know some thing is about to go down, and you feel this "calmness"....yet you are ready to jump his bones and have him do the damn same.. lol.. He has a certain "Charm" about him, that truly left an impression on me, and out side of this hobby, he is one of those guys you just stare at, knowing.. knowing he is going to always be in the back of your mind, as one of the best!!

Great "Review" YM, of ONE of the BEST HOBBYIST in EVERY aspect.

There will not be another JS.. that's for sure.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
He's most definitely a unique & ....very charming gentleman, not to be missed! I love the musical additions to his reviews. Great observations Marie. :)
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-01-2012, 12:19 PM
He is certainly one of the top reviewers on the board. One of the few that even if I know I don't want to see the girl I will still read it just because he wrote it.
Damn you, swag fucker.
Nikki, Lexie... It means so much to me that you feel that way. I'm humbled to pieces.

Trey, 'Preciate the kind word, brother.
Damn you, swag fucker. Originally Posted by Justin_Scott
Who, ME?!?!?!
I am officially subtitling myself as "Swag Fucker"
Giggle giggle...
Mojojo's Avatar
He is certainly one of the top reviewers on the board. One of the few that even if I know I don't want to see the girl I will still read it just because he wrote it. Originally Posted by trey

Agreed man! His literature here is great read even if you don't have an interest in the lady.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Man... All I can say is of all the guys on here I don't think anyone would disagree that JS is one that deserves to have a review written of him. Also this would be one of the classiest male reviews eva. It's funny cause most reviews of this nature were written as an erotic tale yet this one was written more as a tribute and I must say it is fitting and I would expect nothing less from the OP of this thread.

JS.... Hat's off to you sir
kerwil62's Avatar
Yep, JS writes some good shit!
cumalot's Avatar
JS it seems as though you have a fan of your literature....kudos
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
He is certainly one of the top reviewers on the board. One of the few that even if I know I don't want to see the girl I will still read it just because he wrote it. Originally Posted by trey
Indeed. Though there is no attraction for me for the majority of women he chooses to review I still enjoy reading them immensely.
Humble to a fault the man has a gift for prose that I could never possess.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
It's funny though, because when he walks through your door, you'd never imagine he'd be such a Hemingway, lol. :)
He is certainly one of the top reviewers on the board. One of the few that even if I know I don't want to see the girl I will still read it just because he wrote it. Originally Posted by trey
Yup. One of the few who's reviews count IMHO.