Desperately needing a dentist ASAP!

I have 1 tooth that has started bothering me very bad in the last 2 days... It hurts constantly and I need it fixed for sure.. I have another tooth that bothers me pretty bad also but not constantly, I would like to have it fixed as well but it's not necessary right now.

I want to try to find a dentist (in or around Dallas) who is either willing to do a trade or partial trade and let me pay out the rest or something like that.. I'm willing to discuss different options... I just need some relief ASAP!!!

Please PM me if you are a dentist and willing to discuss this.

OR.. It doesn't have to be a trade at all... Maybe someone who will just let me pay it out as I can.
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  • 200K
  • 07-01-2012, 09:19 PM
If it's an absessed tooth, you can go to an urgent care clinic, get some anti-biotics. The infection must be gone before the dentist will do any work on it.
If it's just a cavity, a simple dental visit should take care of it.

I'm not a dentist. Take care of your teeth!