pet peeve

I hate when people (in this particular discussion I'm mainly referring to providers) cannot take a few seconds to respond to a PM or a text. I know you ladies get an overwhelming number of emails, PMs, texts and what not...but it would be polite, courteous and good public business practice to just reply to everyone ... even if it's a short 1-2 sentence response declining the appt or whatever.

It really gets my goat for those ladies that put under their "dislikes"... discourteous people. Grrr

And the ones that PM you in response to your ISO thread and then don't reply after you respond to their PM? what's the point of PMing me to try to entice me if you're not going to reply to my response?

Sorry for the rant. Just having a stressful summer, and an especially stressful week I'm getting SRH. LOL
lol....poor baby.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Move on to the next one and count it as her loss. That's all you can do.
sir scum, if it had only been one girl, I wouldn't be ranting. LOL
boardman's Avatar
Dude, you should have gotten drunck before you posted this...It would have gotten way more traction...ijs
Dorian Gray's Avatar
dearhunter's Avatar
I hate it when retards pet my peeve in the wrong direction....ijs
pyramider's Avatar
just reply to everyone ...
Originally Posted by bashful1
Do you've any idea the amount of messages some of us get? I have my PM's on here disabled because I got so fucking sick of countless messages from random knobheads, 75% of which were completely pointless. So to answer your question , NO, I don't feel I should respond to every single fucking email or PM I receive. If it's important, and I feel it necessary to respond then I will, apart from that I don't want to be bothered. Some of us have lives and don't have the time or patience to respond to every single message we get.

And what's with all the men on here bitching lately?? I think I'm going to start having an NBA policy, No Bitching Allowed.
Do you've any idea the amount of messages some of us get? I have my PM's on here disabled because I got so fucking sick of countless messages from random knobheads, 75% of which were completely pointless. So to answer your question , NO, I don't feel I should respond to every single fucking email or PM I receive. If it's important, and I feel it necessary to respond then I will, apart from that I don't want to be bothered. Some of us have lives and don't have the time or patience to respond to every single message we get.

And what's with all the men on here bitching lately?? I think I'm going to start having an NBA policy, No Bitching Allowed. Originally Posted by Valerie
Yet you seem to have time to post on every thread.
  • dwaw3
  • 07-12-2012, 07:41 AM
Thats what I do I count it up they lost out I try once then I give them a second try they do not want my 300 + roses then I do not need them
I think a lot of Ladies get so many "widow shoppers" that they just get overwhelmed.

What an interesting survey would be is out of the multitude of text, e-mails, or calls that a Provider gets in a week, how many actually result in a paying session.
I personally think that if it is a legitimate request and the person that is inquiring via pm or email has taken the time to know what a ladies rates, screening and other information is and required, then the response shouldn't be less than an 8 hour window. That would be the professional thing to do. Now if a guy is just sending a pm or email saying some silly things with out giving pertinent or relevant information that has nothing to do with requesting/screening for an appointment then in all likelihood a lady will not respond.

Example of one email I got just the other day:

"Wow, you are a beautiful woman! I would love to lick you all over and give you a massage! What do you say? How about it?"

You see in that email above there is no real information or anything relevant to respond to.

Here is an appropriate email that a lady will respond to:

(Fictitious this is just an example):

Hey Sensia,

My name is J*ck and I found you on eccie. Here is my handle Up**town** you can see my posts and reviews on eccie. I am a 48 yr old white male, grey hair, blue eyes, 5'8", 210lbs My phone is 281-9**-**** and my references are Candy see her showcase here and Julip see her showcase link here

Both ladies saw me last month and can vouch for me. I am looking to get pre-screened so I can set up an appointment with you for next Thursday and 1pm for a one hour massage. Please get back to me once you are able to verify my references!


You see if a guy takes the time to see what the lady is requiring for an appointment and he sends an email like that your chances of getting a response are far better.

Yes we get inundated with pms and emails, and some get too many texts (some downright annoying).

Now to the OP if you are sending emails or pms like the one I made up above (the preferred method) then it shouldn't take a lady any longer than 8 hours or less to respond to you. Some of us are busy with appointments and are not able to sit at the computer 24/7 So it takes time to get back to a request.
boardman's Avatar
Do you've any idea the amount of messages some of us get? I have my PM's on here disabled because I got so fucking sick of countless messages from random knobheads, 75% of which were completely pointless. So to answer your question , NO, I don't feel I should respond to every single fucking email or PM I receive. If it's important, and I feel it necessary to respond then I will, apart from that I don't want to be bothered. Some of us have lives and don't have the time or patience to respond to every single message we get.

And what's with all the men on here bitching lately?? I think I'm going to start having an NBA policy, No Bitching Allowed. Originally Posted by Valerie
Hormones a little out of whack?
TexasGator's Avatar
I'll take "Pathetic, whiney threads" for 500, Alex!